...because OP can't tell the difference between a paywall and censorship.

PBS wants people to donate so they can keep making programs.

It doesn't top Darby's glass incident

The glass incident is pretty much the theoretical limit. Some things should not be topped.

The link says "Aired: 01/23/24, Expires: 01/22/27"

It also lets you watch the video if you are a registered donor to PBS.

Native Speaker

("little" is not a noun) 

Dictionaries disagree with you.

E.g., https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/little has sections on how "little" can be used as either a pronoun or an noun.

Native Speaker

Starting in 1843, there were hundreds of Americans in covered wagons who attempted to migrate from what is now the Eastern United States to the Oregon Valley near the Pacific Ocean.

This was a dangerous undertaking; many died. Some of those people painted Oregon or Bust on the covers of their wagons as a rallying cry to say "We're going to reach to Oregon or die trying."

In the early twentieth century, several films about the colonization of the Western United States were made, including a 1936 John Wayne film named The Oregon Trail.

There is also a popular series of educational video games, The Oregon Trail, which started in 1971 and became more widespread as computers became more affordable. Many American students played the game in school, which lead to several Oregon Trail related jokes becoming popular.

The slogan "or bust" is changed to "for busts" because one of the characters wants to go to a Vegas stage show and ogle the breasts of scantily dressed female performers.

Everybody loses their entire rank on the 13th each month when ranks are cashed out for bloodpoints.

Other than that, you cannot lose rank.

Dear sign maker,

You're not a brainwashed anti-American liberal piece of shit. You're a brainwashed anti-American piece of shit. That's nothing to be grateful for.

Did you suffer a leg injury that had you limping for days? Did you crap your shorts? No?

If you asked everybody in North America to jog a 5k many of the results would not be particularly pretty.

The first step into running a good 5k is to get through a bad 5k unscathed and you've done that first step. Congratulations and keep training!

The Entity has exploding hatchets custom-made for the Huntress. (Survivors HATE this one trick!)

Experimental mode is experimental.

If the devs only get a list of a few things that should not be in 2v8 mode, this limited run will still be a win.

At low MMR, Trapper putting traps in weeds near loops gets results.

Nurse, on the other hand, needs some practice or she's useless.

Native Speaker

"Float" is short for the idiom "float a trial balloon".

The "trial balloons" were originally small balloons used by French hot air balloon operators.

Hot air balloon operators would launch a smaller, unmanned balloon into the air to check for wind conditions before launching the bigger hot air balloon carrying themselves. If the winds high in the sky were particularly strong, the small balloon would move about violently. In that case, the hot air balloonists could decide not to fly on that particular day.

In this case, Dillinger and Hughes were "floated" as suggestions--they did not commit to using either of those people quite yet, they just wanted to see how other people would react to the idea of a story based on those people.

They then changed their plans based on those reactions and chose to use a fictional William Randolph Hearst as the subject of their story.


You probably won't run the whole thing but, if you put in the eight weeks of training, there's a extremely good chance you'll be able to jog the 5k to the end.

Plus, if you do the c25k program, you'll quickly learn how to plan bathroom trips so you won't need to take a dump during the 5k. That part is rather important.

Also, the 5k will likely have water stations somewhere along the way. Even if you don't want to drink the water you can toss it on your head for a quick cooldown.

You're not going to learn how to win a 5k in eight weeks. You're not even going to learn how to run a competitive 5k in eight weeks. Learning to survive a 5k, on the other hand, is definitely manageable.

 If you don't think the game is rewarding to play, don't try to get your dopamine fix when fake money goes brrrrr.

There are huge portions of the game I cannot access at all without unlocking them with the fake money system. I don't want the fake money system to go brrrr. I want it to go away.

I've played nearly exclusively killer.

Accordingly, I've not unlocked stuff on survivor, so if I wanted to play that, I'd want millions of bloodpoints to get that started and we're right back at square one.

The new player grind is bad and that's Behavior's fault.

There are substantial parts of the game you cannot access without said digital currency.

If I wanted to play a progression game, I'd play a progression game.

Dead by Daylight is an action game--which is the part I actually want--buried under a progression game which I don't.

Maybe try to think differently about the game and try out some other stuff like new perk builds.

That's why I wanted bloodpoints in the first place.

Seeing a new perk build on YouTube and realizing that it's millions of bloodpoints away is very demotivating now that the event is over.

Hatch is mainly there to make the game interesting for the last survivor.

As far as MMR is concerned, a 3k and 4k are both wins for the killer.

DbD's realms can pull equally from the past, present, and future, which is why Dwight (born late 20th century) can be chased by a robot from the year 2313.

Vecna having to deal with objects from his own future would be consistent with the lore of the Entity.

You could have a case of dueling Green map offerings--an event that must be settled by RNG.

There doesn't seem to be any news reports of anybody being hospitalized.

Not saying that such a thing hasn't happened; just saying that I cannot find anybody verifying such an event.

Destructoid reported about people asking for the killswitch--but did not mention anybody being hospitalized: https://www.destructoid.com/dead-by-daylight-fans-want-devs-to-hit-the-killswitch-on-the-trickster-over-potential-epilepsy-trigger/

There's a self-reported claim of one person having two seizures--but no mention of being hospitalized--at https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/418078/trickster-epilepsy-trigger

Out: Remote Hooking

In: Activate invite while holding a survivor to activate Turbo Mode, which lasts until survivor is hooked or dropped. While in Turbo Mode, walk at 300% speed.

It sounds like a reasonable nerf to Remote Hooking at first but, as soon as somebody makes a backpack build, the slaughter is going to start.

Native Speaker

"Hoard" is used much less frequently than "board".

I would not be surprised at all if you had not heard of "hoard" before.