Bruh. I just went to visit my mother’s grave in native territory (because that’s where she and her tribe wanted her to be buried) on Memorial Day. Ran into some elder woman cleaning graves who claimed to be a member of our family. My uncle mentioned trying to get me enrolled to her. She quipped back “are you more than a quarter?” We said no and she goes “well don’t even think about it then there’s no chance” and she just kind of disregarded me from there on. I was a bit shocked at the lack of welcoming. I know natives are known to be people of few words but damn if that didn’t feel like being shunned. I am also very white looking. I want to learn where I come from but that just seems so impossible now.

Are you fucking serious??? They look IDENTICAL. My mind is blown- thanks for the clarification!

The way I see it is like pruning a rose bush. You have to clear away the old growth to make room for new blooms in the spring. Each place you cut there will be something healthier to take its place. You need room in your own life the same way. Not everything is meant for you to keep. Sometimes we encounter people or things or experiences to learn and enable our own growth. It’s never a bad thing… sometimes painful, but that’s how growth works.


Emmy was pretty good in “Where the crawdads sing” took a minute to shake Fiona but once you do it’s a really good movie.

ETA yes I have been corrected about the actual actress and that it’s not Emmy. Please see comment below for clarification.

These are my favorite gf pasta. Texture is perfect.

Juliette has a gun- not a perfume. It accentuates a persons scent make or female. I get compliments on it ALLL THE TIME. I love it myself. It’s warm, inviting and just overall comforting.

This just happened to me 3 hours ago. Except it was on FaceTime and I just glanced down while also being blasted by the light of a thousand suns when I opened the door. I literally thought “is there an age filter on this bitch!!?!?” Then sunk into the realization it was just a very unflattering set of circumstances.

Stop plucking the hairs (tweeze epilate wax whatever) and stick to shaving. It does not encourage hair to grow in thicker or more densely. Some might THINK that the hair looks more coarse because when you shave the hair you create a blunt edge at the end of the hair. I did laser hair removal and they told me not to pluck only shave. I use a clean razor, sensitive skin shave cream, and I wash my face THOROUGHLY before and after. If there’s grime anywhere between your skin and the razor blades it will get into your pores and cause blemishes and could cause infection. I also use a physical exfoliant before hand to help prevent ingrown hairs. Hope this helps while you’re waiting to get that electrolysis.

If you shave when the skin and hairs are saturated with water it will cause the hair to shrink back down into the skin for the day for me at least. Then you can apply some concealer with a blender and you’re good to go!

Give cat own garden. Catnip, wheatgrass etc. put on floor. Elevate pretty plants and obstruct perching access with decor.

You are feeling freedom of the oppressing eyes of the city and its inhabitants. As well as freedom like you’ve never been accustomed to. If you don’t like that then feel free to get back to it. Signed, a born country girl who moved to a city in Oregon as an adolescent then to Montana as an adult. Just keep a healthy respect for your neighbor in any situation and you’ll be alright partner 😉

You could pull it back from the front and start rocking hair bands

Not a food anything or a historian but I love this question!

You are so welcome. I am no stranger to feeling hideous bc I couldn’t figure out how to manage it myself. My husband had to help me with the clean razor thing cause I was getting red broken out skin and ingrown hairs I was so frustrated! Once I started using this routine my skin doesn’t rebel!

Yes I used to dread this thought. Also of loved ones dying. It motivated me to live fully. Love with abandon. Don’t hide yourself from the world. Do it all with compassion. That way, when it is your time you’ll be comforted in the thought that you were your best self to everyone you cared for. Try not to speak venomously- make every parting word one that you would be satisfied with if they died. Got goals? Start working on them now. If you wake in the night when the world is asleep/ write letters or make art to distract yourself from the void with positivity. Hope this helps ❤️

Stop plucking the hairs (tweeze epilate wax whatever) and stick to shaving. It does not encourage hair to grow in thicker or more densely. Some might THINK that the hair looks more coarse because when you shave the hair you create a blunt edge at the end of the hair. I did laser hair removal and they told me not to pluck only shave. I use a clean razor, sensitive skin shave cream, and I wash my face THOROUGHLY before and after. If there’s grime anywhere between your skin and the razor blades it will get into your pores and cause blemishes and could cause infection. I also use a physical exfoliant before hand to help prevent ingrown hairs. Hope this helps while you’re waiting to get that electrolysis.

This only ever happened to me one time. Moved from Oregon to Utah in my early 20s. Trainer for a smallish class of people to do call center type work. Class clown caught my attention- thought we could be friends bc he was funny and not off putting. He invited me over to smoke. Sweet nobody smokes in Utah! Drive to his house, knock. Someone else like an uncle or something answers, calls for homie. He comes down, grabs my hand (weird) and leads me upstairs to his bedroom (red flags start going up). He shuts the door and lays on his bed with his best try at seductive eyes. As I’m standing in the doorway I ask “where’s the weed?” And he pats the bed next to him and says “let’s talk a little first”. I left 😂 quickly (it’s getting a little rapey in here). Ain’t nobody got time for that man I’m just tryna get high my dude lol


My routine is as follows: shampoo, rinse thoroughly. Depending on how much hair you have you’ll need to adjust up or down the amount of conditioner you use but I recommend using too much- make sure hair is sopping wet with warm water and start combing the conditioner in and scrunch along the way (the goal here is to allow the cuticles in your hair to open up with the warm water and allow the conditioner to get down into the hair shaft to make it soft by scrunching the conditioner into your hair. Leave for the length of your shower or like 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water until conditioner is ALMOST all the way rinsed. I like to rinse bent over after I rise my crown to guide the hair in the right place for the next step. Then put a quarter sized dollop of leave in conditioner in your palm, then squirt entirely too much gel on top of that (like a whole handful) and mix thoroughly (I use garnier fructis products). Wyour hair still soaking wet and preferably still a bit warm- slide some product onto the hair away from your scalp to prevent gunky spots. When the amount of product is enough that you won’t waste it on the shower floor cup your hands at the ends of your hair, bring up to your scalp and squeeze gently. Don’t try to squeeze all the water out yet bc there’s another step for that coming. Turn your head from left to right as you squeeze each section so you get the most even definition out of each curl. Once scrunched carefully get out of the shower (no head banging here please) and use a microfiber towel to carefully scrunch the remaining excess water/product out.

After this step grab your diffuser. Diffusers are not terribly complicated. Mine is a nozzle type piece that clicks onto the hair dryer face- looks like a hollow inverted mushroom with finger sized posts about an inch long. The bowl is meant to cradle your hair lifting it to provide volume, the finger things allow for room to dry down to your scalp. So while bent over (still from the shower and microfiber towel) gently cup a bunch of clumped hair into the bowl (doesn’t matter how it goes in) and bring that up to your scalp. Leave for 10-20 seconds and gently let the hair back down, move to the next spot. Remember to tilt your head- if spring your right side- bring your right ear toward your right shoulder so the hair hangs like a curtain. At some point when doing the back you’ll need to stand up and lean head back to make that spot hang like a curtain.

The goal of all of this is to get your hair to “clump” together- the less total clumps the better. The more you disturb the hair before it’s dried the frizzier your curls will be- again no head banging (yet).

Once mostly dried (if the hair is still damp do not do this yet wait till it’s dry) bend over again and give two or three shakes of the head yes and then no. Voila you now have voluminous hair!

Learned all this from a curly hair salon specialist and my hair looks amazing compared to when I didn’t know shit lol

ETA- u/cherub-girl

Use a diffuser, flip scrunched hair forward and dry carefully. You can also use those flat clips to stand a few clumps up at the root- all these things will help you with volume up top. Signed, a thinning curly girl.