Lido deck obviously, and deck 8 and then there are also free coffee machines at the coffee shop by the main lobby plaza and stage.

Normal for camping world. Take the base offer to other dealers and see what they can give you for the same, similar (or better) camper.

If you use the offer on a cruise you WANT to take, and book and ocean view room that will hold 5 people and it costs you only port fees and taxes... sure. If you upgrade the room- it is just a discount on a an expensive room and probably not too exciting.

1.Shame is a noun. It describes a feeling that most normal humans have at various times in their life.

2.Shame is a verb now, too. It is an action other people take to demean or hurt their fellow humans.

We only have control over 1. Many of us older folks have it a little easier emotionally in this regard. Especially women. We have been through a roller coaster of ridiculous societal expectations and come out the other side.

It does NOT matter what other people think about your private decisions or motivations.

Hopefully medical professional gets on the phone with you to give you actual medical advice! Maybe the pharmacist if you cannot get a doctor or nurse to answer?

That sucks. If it is not cold when it arrives I would raise hell.

I am sure you will be fine. This isn't going to do any damage like an overdose of some meds would do. It may just be super uncomfortable. Some people get fatigue from the shots. Many people have no side effects at all... but taking 4 times the starting dose probably increases your likelihood of side effects.

I think the only serious but short term possibility would be an impact on your blood sugar. If you are type 2, keep a close eye on it. If you aren't type 2 , just watch for low blood sugar symptoms.

Holy crap what a quack. If you get nauseous, sniff rubbing alcohol swabs. Seriously. Short term fix, but immediate results that last for little while. Do not eat anything greasy/fatty/sugary in the next few days.

Eat small portions and see how it sits. If you lose your appetite you still need to take in some nutrients.

Be careful not to get dehydrated because digestion slows down. Some people don't feel thirsty but still need fluids.

Stay away from gassy foods (broccoli- split peas) until you can assess how you're doing with digestion. Constipation can be a problem and it may take 3 days for this one shot to really peak in your system.

Hang in there

I use Emerge and they send my meds from Hallendale. Started on name brand and am satisfied with Emerge.

Somewhere in between. If you don't know rvs- it is super easy to waste money on an older camper that actually has a bunch of issues that wind up needing repair, costing money, and getting in the way of camping and enjoying yourself. If you get your dream camper but cannot get away enough to justify the expense and upkeep- you can wind up regretting it. Learn, research (rv's and the type of activity/locations) and don't rush into a decision.


My first shipment from Hallendale looked like that. The label was created on Friday but Hallendale does not actually ship on Friday. The screen looked like that until Monday when it showed my package was on the way by fedex- and then the website changed to show the in transit. I received cold medicine on Tuesday.

Very few side effects. Only a few times in 6 months something caught me off guard and it was usually a result of eating too much or not drinking enough water.

I chose the weight I was when I was young and healthy and a size 6. And THEN I added 15-20 lbs to that weight since I am 35 years older and no longer walk 10 miles a day. 🤣

I would worry she has a blockage but as long as she is drinking I wouldn't panic tonight. Definitely a vet tomorrow as early as possible. Shots will make them droopy for 24 hours. Eating garbage behind your back can cause a couple of days of distress. Days of lethargy, diarrhea and puking will dehydrate a young pup fast and can be serious even if they don't have something stuck in there.

You are panicking over some plants I would kill for. 😁 That IS an eggplant. Don't mess with it. Feed it and don't let the soil get dried out completely. Your basil is starting to flower. Harvest some before it goes to seed. I see a little insect damage here or there on tomato or squash leaves, but nothing I would be worried about. Your potato leaf tomato looks like it could use a deep watering.

Congrats. It is exciting to start. I was so relieved and hopeful! And I have not been disappointed or regretful for one second.

I will keep that in mind. I am really paranoid about over doing it!

Oh yes. When waking up and stretching. After a good scratch. After playing hard. But if it is repeated a few times close together you should use a mild ear cleaner and make sure nothing funky is in there.

Beagle and Pittie mix. One of the photos makes me think German Shepherd around the snoot.

You are paying him... probably a lot- to work WITH you. Fire him and find someone else. Or save the money and keep working on your own.

My NP is my PCP and super supportive AND educated. She is amazing. So MD or NP or DO... whatever... you need a new provider but they need to work with you, listen to you and be open minded and learn new information for you. Switch providers and do not worry about which degree they have as much as their mindset.

I take my dose in the morning and by afternoon I feel less food interest- but I can eat. Since going to 7.5 I am more constipated and sometimes am uncomfortable by the night of my morning shot. Luckily, I do not have bad or extreme side effects. The constipation is manageable, especially if I pay attention and plan accordingly for the 24-48 hours right after my dose. I have very little decrease in effectiveness at the end of the week on this dose.

Hallandale does not ship the blue box every month. Sometimes the meds are just in the vial box and plastic bag with ice packs inside the silver insulation bag. The silver insulated bag is big if your fridge space is tight. Invoice, needles and alcohol wipes are loose in the FedEx box outside the sealed silver insulated pack.