I always liked the phrase slow is smooth and smooth is fast

Continuing hypothetical scenario. He’s also a long term thinker so considering metal roof.

I love the bunk room. We only have 3 bedrooms but want 4 kids I want to build one of those!

I’m not a pilot. Wondering if he pulled up to hard and that’s why the wing fell off. Or maybe it was a failure waiting to happen anyways. Hard to see how the couple would be to blame.

What about the “let’s get out of the Middle East entirely” crowd? Anybody else see what GWOT got us the last 23 years?

Ryan Dawson, haven’t spent too much time on it, only heard it through podcasts but he has a sub stack on it as well.

There are a ton of people that have turned up. I gotta find the guy, can’t remember the name (who is tracking this) but there are dozens of civil suits against banksters who were involved with Epstein it just hasn’t gotten much air time.

Sounds scary but at this point I think insurance companies would fill a lot of void. But our premiums would go through the roof and additional scrutiny on trainings would be thrust upon us.

Just wow. Maybe if they’re worried about jails being overrun we can just give the police discretion for flogging on the spot like India.

The United States originally sided with the Houthis and then switched sides to back Al Qaeda. It’s such a mess. I agree we should stop giving them humanitarian aid, but also just stop meddling in the Middle East in general. I’m not saying they’re good people but they, like a lot of others in the region, have good reason to hate us.

The Houthis are a regime, not rebels. The have been in control for 9 years now. Before the civil war Yemen had a legit military, which sense the Houthis have taken control of.

They lost 400,000 people between their own civil war but also from the Saudi/US blockade. They have a lot of resolve.

The weed is to take the edge off the VOCs they’re inhaling

And just like with painters you’ll have to fight them to do a back roll. This robot will still make it look like crap perhaps.

I doubt your business would slow down. Your volume would go down, but you could mark your work up substantially. Think of what we were all able to do during covid…I nearly doubled my income in 2021. My opinion is that is the condition for certain trades they’d be in if they eliminated the illegal labor pool.

I’m in the middle on this. I agree with your sentiment. But I also saw that until covid, many people in the industry have not seen substantial increase in there wages in their entire careers. My favorite flooring installer has been paid $32/hr his entire career, for example. I think people know intuitively why that is.

Even on that little excavator, good reason to wear a seatbelt. You fall farther than the machine then the cage lands on your head and explodes it. Happens to forklift operators.

Did you down vote me? I’m just stating my opinion that I think most illegals don’t exist in these industries being paid cash. At least not like it use to be. Corps are hiring illegals and getting away with it, and they are doing it under a normal employer employee dynamic that you’d see anywhere else. I’m saying this because citizens don’t realize how easy it is for companies to do this, and still be in compliance with the law. And that is a big problem. My opinion is E-verify would stamp that out slowly, and youre right it should come with hefty fines.

Plausible deniability is exactly correct. Big corporations HR departments know how to navigate this so if ICE comes they can say they didn’t know, but they know.

And yes I agree its unlikely to happen, but it would be more effective than building a wall. If they build a wall illegals will just fly here and over stay their Visa which a lot of them do any ways. It’s the wrong way of looking at the problem. A wall just makes the journey harder, but illegals don’t care about that. What they care about is the financial incentive that lies on the other side of the wall. If we want to solve the problem we need to remove that incentive.

This is why I don’t buy that Trump could take over the government. I’m sure his AG Bill Barr at the time had those Epstein files saved on his desktop so Trump couldn’t f with him.

What they need to do is federally mandate E-verify for all employers. Won’t matter what is happening at the border. The truth of the matter is most employers are not paying illegals in cash, you’d be screwed if you got audited by the IRS. Illegals can get fake IDs and you as an employer don’t have to authenticate documentations or SS numbers. Illegals many times are on normal payrolls. Just my opinion as an employer.

I know some of them think that because of desistance. The idea was that if most transsexuals (before Dutch protocol, accepted number was 9/10 would later just be gay) were just teenagers that would grow out of that in puberty into just being normal gays, then doing stuff like conversion therapy was a threat to the gay community. That was explained to me by my gay best friend. I’m not an expert.

Yeah my wife was easy to please when we were dating at 22. Then about 25 she went from hippy girl to wanting nice things and telling me I don’t make enough money…she did calm down a lot when we had kids later though.