I wouldn't be surprised if Elizabeth II gets added, as the last significant monarch anywhere in the world. Maybe some later game bonuses to international cooperation/diplomacy.

I have a suspicion that an AI that effectively uses its Navy would be an absolute nightmare to play against, which is why it hasn't happened. I.e. the balance issues are too complex to resolve so easier to leave it as is.

Doesn't detect whatever Gigabyte are using to control RGB on their GPUs - at least I couldn't get Signal RGB to find it.

It's good to know our community never disappoints

It is the only software that can change the RGB on the GPU, but after you have used it for that, you can uninstall it.

It doesn't actually have to do all this simultaneously however. Would it not make sense to adopt a phased approach? Phase 1: production rushes for instant units, phase 2 combat, phase 3 city building, phase 4 non combat unit movement, phase 5 city allocation. Obviously that's not everything and there is some bleed between phases, but that surely simplifies things

Whilst this is true, the complexity of arranging military units in Civ6 to inflict maximum damage with minimum losses, is significantly less complicated than chess.

It has always been a political arena. Its why Britain regards it as a total joke and always has done. Just watch the Greece/Turkey/Cyprus voting every year. It always surprises the Brits how seriously Europe views this nonsense contest.

25 years of working for large multinational companies that recruit "Data Scientists" that don't know any linear algebra, R or Python, but do ask for familiarity with Excel, Tableau and/or Power BI. Maybe they do the same in the USA and it skews their data the same way - I haven't worked in the US, so don't know.

Regardless, a qualified data scientist should have little issue moving where the work and $$ are. A few years ex-patting and taking little to no holiday will set you up nicely.

The problem you have is that in the EU reporting analyst roles are often advertised and internally referred to as Data Scientists. This is wrong, you can get a great reporting analyst for half what an average, genuine Data Scientist commands. At the end of the day, when you can do data science and if you can't pick something up in the EU, there is nothing to stop you going to the US for a job.

The fact that this "makes sense" is a damning indictment of our times. ๐Ÿ˜€

For sure. In terms of answering the original question, Death Wish has to be right up there.

To be fair, the first movie is the weakest of the 3, it is basically the setup for what follows.

Looks like they repartitioned the room and then remove the skirting board, leaving a skirting board sized hole in the wall. They then filled it with isolation foam. Absolutely needs proper finishing. Lazy contractor is the most likely explanation.

The chicken net approach is good, but you can also use vinyl rollers at the top of the fence. The added advantage of this approach is that you may also generate a viral video of a cat attempting (and failing) to scale the fence with the barrier.

Gas Vent. Some landlords install them to avoid all the legal mumbo jumbo when they want to evict tenants. Simply hit the switch, pump in some CO2, job done.

I had a seating issue with the lian li 216. It was the anti sag bracket that they supplied for the GPU causing it.

OP is using a mod that changes the minimum settling distance to 4 clear tiles from 3 - Paris is preventing settling.

Same decision making process as every other tile. Are the yields I am giving up (short/long term) better or worse than the yields I am gaining (short / long term), do I have other/better sources of that yield.

Only a narcissist of epic proportions would overlook that in addition to not being in office you would have needed to be up to some fuckery whilst IN office to be indicted.