Could they have used what ever engine siege is using?

I woke up this moring and it was pissing down. Bloody labour!!

Still nice shot bro. Isn't easy adjusting mid jump. 👏

I'm guessing you was going for the other guy top right!

Does your team have a player from op team. You'll then know who's making these bot lobbies

I find It funny when kb&m players cry about aim assist. Loads of streamers complain about it on cod, they switch to controller and still get shit on. Followings stream switch back to mouse realising it wasn't that op in the end.

Someone on a losing team will leave and help his buddies from taking a loss. Such a bad idea.

It's weird, the game has ALOT of problems, but I still find it more fun then cod. I'm gaming to have fun. SO as longs as the game is fun I'll keep playing.

Nobody takes In to consideration a massive amount of sweaty controller players cheat using devices that trick the console into thinking your using a controller but actually they have kb&m with the benefits of aim assist.

Plus they can use scripts

Ok cool, so just hack the player. Got ya. Thanks

How can you hack the echelon scan?

This happens on ps5 too. It's the game not the controller.

Capture the flag maybe!

If op spent less time dying the could have capped more for the team

Hope the devs use these win rates to match you in ranked!!

Let's hope that take this into account in ranked match making

Destiny pvp felt so good to me. Had some of the best times playing trials.

Imagine caring about ptfo and winning in casual.

Kb&m users tend to have crosshairs on their monitors which helps with aim when using crappy iron sights

Console players play on a tv with no crosshairs and sometimes iron sight are hard to focus on

Casual is for having fun. Play how you want. You could always play ranked if you care about winning so much. People care more on ranked modes

The video's always crop out the ping!