Because CSI found their fingerprints where on this hot fucking garbage?

Drank Red Dog and Bud Ice and tried desperately to get laid while repeating Tupac and Biggie versus. Probs cringe now but I wouldn't trade it for any other space in time.

Getting your first, taxed payroll check from dealing out when you've done time for it was pretty wild.

Did you ever fancy yourself a photographer? Nice backlighting on two....

Are the police still butthurt they didn't get their little academy? For a group that bitches constantly about how little they're paid, they sure are OK with proposing grand ass ideas for my TABOR refund.

Dewd, you had a problem four shelves ago. At least it isn't fentanyl right?

Awwwww sounds like she had a lil lead-based moment. So cute!

There's a wee black fella in the back who doesn't look old enough to buy cigarettes or see over the dashboard. Bit of an AI scale issue?

I foresee many lbs. coming out of there in your future OP

Weed is like people -- some motherfuckers are just kinda runty!

I don't really notice or draw a distinction so maybe I do. I certainly don't stop myself on the rare occasion my language occurs to me. In defense of cussing, fuck and fucking are great modifiers sentence enhancers.

I leave that to the penetratee. I'm service oriented.....

I was absolutely sure as shit someone would assassinate Bush Jr. Couldn't tell you why, I just knew.

I'm being an utter smart ass. Your bud looks solid bro