“Football helmet filled with cottage cheese”

Representation Hammers, I mean, matters!

This comic is my everyday life


I'm always tired around the same time! (Zzz 2pm)

When you're 42, this time is all the time!

Thanks. It’s been such a trial. At this point I’ve been at it for 6 weeks and I just want it done

I'm taking a break from an awful recording session right now and needed to hear this.

Oompah Loompah Doopity Dizzle, Don’t autoeritic asphyxiate to Miss Frizzle.

If you're flexible on time, check out something like https://www.dayuse.com. You can rent a hotel room without actually staying the night or paying full rates.

Priestess. They're defunct now but man they took a slice of Sabbath and made it upbeat and catchy.

"The agency claims authority to regulate everything from a power lawnmower's design," he wrote, "to the level of 'contact between trainers and whales at SeaWorld.'"

Those seem like reasonable things to oversee.

I've had revolving sushi in Japan better than upscale places in the states. Time to book some tickets back.

Could probably turn this into a series. Wouldn’t be mad about it.

I love you OP, but this is like asking to come and get lost in a circle of hell that also serves meatballs.

Googling led me to this comment. You were absolutely correct.

How can anyone hate Ruby Rhod?? Chris Tucker is a GENIUS in this role.