gendered fluid

I’m not but I’m too autistic to form basic human relationships so :3

gendered fluid

This image gives me General Hux speech in The Force Awakens vibes

Oh yeah well your mother is a basketball

I think cheesepizzamemes has a similar use but I’m not diving any deeper into that

I’m not going any deeper but I think r/cheesepizzamemes is used for something similar

gendered fluid

The single A-10 warthog about to fuck up the alien fleet

gendered fluid

The twist actually shocked me

Well if you don’t like it you can turn it off

You are an extremely basic person

I don’t get the big deal with art tracing. I don’t have much drawing skill so I’m gonna use tools at my disposal how I can. As long as you don’t trace someone elses art and pass it off as your own it’s fine

I don’t think homeless people care about safety standards, they just want food

That would take a lot of coordination on the ghosts part. The role wouldn’t be able to see them all the time, it would be something like scientist where there’s a cooldown and recharge it with tasks