His 20 dollar wheelchair at goodwill paid for itself.

Everybody wants to scream warheads on foreheads without thinking that they’ll be dealing with a post apocalyptic hoard of ghouls that will inevitably be comprised of MX troops hell bent on using the apocalypse to hunt down their expeditors.

Chadtopian Citizen

All things aside, who is rocking one of those Bluetooth ear pieces in 2020?

I actually got to see M.C. Chris live and his shows are amazing. He’s short as fuck, but hilarious and really fun to watch live.

Fisher Price “After decades hard work and never being taken seriously we’ve finally done it! We have broken into the automobile industry with our flagship design!”

We used Monstaliner neon green on a bass cab. Looked pretty similar, way cheaper, and will last the apocalypse.

These were big in the early 2000s. They just look haggard after a bit because of the carpet if they get gigged, cats, you put Velcro patches all over it.

It’s easy to recover and super cheap. Just look up videos on YouTube on doing car subwoofer carpet covering.

I used to go to local car audio shops and tell them I was working on bass guitar amps and they would sell me a bit of fabric off their roll. One place seemed sketch like I was building sub boxes and stealing business from them, so after that I clarified it was for guitar stuff.

Put your experience with the above meme and you’ve got Davis Monthan.

Years ago somebody gave me landmark directions, using the plane on a stick as a landmark. “Yeah just go until the road dead ends and take a left at the plane on a stick and LRS is down there. If you dead end at the road following the field of dead planes you went to far.” Dafuq did you just say?


Oh for sure. I’ve had my pair of gascans for around 15 years now and I just keep getting new lenses. Regular use and they’ve been put to work hiking, scouting, fishing, off-roading and family adventures.

They do have some cheesy shit though….these bad boys came out over a decade ago….


They scream “I want to complain to the gate guard on the way to the Shoppette to tell troops my entire life story while I wait in line to buy three cases of Milwaukees best.”

Looks like they used StewMac premixed vintage amber nitro clear, but did it in the cold or didn’t shake enough.

This is the speckled pattern you get from that exact scenario. I remember it from when I first started practicing with it before I did a neck.

Say that to my Oakley gascans and grunt style shirt! I bet your ribbon rack is tiny. Do you even have GWOT bro?!

Chaplin “Sorry bud. God can’t save you this time.”

It’s double level if it goes on the glass!

Make it her text notification noise.

Chadtopian Citizen

This is such an old article and their entire governmental structure has drastically changed in Nigeria.

Did they retain the old judicial system at all?

My favorite was seeing a folder called “Training PPs”

First time I’d seen PowerPoints labeled as such. Now it’s all I use.

K-9 PP


Arming Use of Force PP

Safety PP

Triad’s PP

Domestic Response PP

After Action PP

Confinement PP

Apprehension PP

The possibilities are endless.

Two I can remember in particular.

One, was absolutely sloshed. Still standing ish.

The other one was pretty fucking coherent. Definitely not like “Oh my god he’s drunk.” Probably the highest functioning alcoholic I’ve ever seen in my career.

The charts say that around there you’re supposed to hit that, possible organ failure, and even death.

I’ve seen two DUIs in my career at that level and they were still standing-ish. Obviously not a goal for someone to achieve, but still a shocker when results come back and you’re just wondering how they were even remotely functioning.