Get an RCBS hand priming tool, they are like $75us and will change your life.

Schlotzski's, their sandwiches on sourdough bread are da bomb!

Mine was a stray found at my work. The girl who physically picked him up received a very minor scratch but insisted she 'might need stiches'. Hence, him's name is now Stitches.

Few of life's problems cannot be resolved by the judicious use of high explosives.

Because if it is officially declared a tornado, the insurance company has to pay. But if it is called straight-line winds, you probably need a rider on your policy for wind damage, or you're out of luck.

WKHS, down 99.08%. They lost a USPS contract they were expected to get but still have a viable vehicle to sell, so maybe?

I have the plastic mulch kit for the x350 and broke the part that closes the chute. My dealership accidentally ordered the metal part for the all-metal kit, so I would assume the parts are available. The plastic replacement part turned out to be about 70% cheaper, so there's that.

I ran up a $350 long distance phone bill playing Trade Wars at 300 baud on a bulletin board in a different state. My dad was soooo pissed. That was a lot of money then.

That is precisely how the USPS inspectors handle contraband. Just do not respond, and the problem is solved. You cannot control who mails you what.

She should have just said that she was a squatter; it would probably take them months to force her to leave.

He downloads porn of other women? This implies that there is porn of you to download instead. This would make him tha ah. He should definitely be downloading your porn instead.

Probably living next to you is enough to ruin things for them.

Ty, that's all I wanted to know. No intention to create, just curious.