You sound like you have a good heart, thank you for that

Unfortunately I was once such a boy. And I can tell you that many women that I thought were safe because they held generally very left views were the ones that inflicted the worst damage. Its as if this general culture of fear and weariness of men has translated into a subculture of some women that not only are apathetic to the loneliness of men, but also delight in putting down men every chance they get, especially if they are percieved as a permissible target, because that guy is just weird and probably a creep. It went so far that one woman that I thought was a friend basically told me that theres not rnough alcohol in the world for her to get drunk enough to find me attractive. And, I know that Im not attractive. Im short, pretty average build, to most people my interests (computerscience, biochemistry and scifi/ fantasy books) are very weird and alien. Plus im just not that good at reading social clues. All of the social pressure (by my friends, my family, people that dont even know me that well) got me so depressed that I bascially retreated into attaching all my selfworth in my work performance, because maybe if im successful, people will judge me less and stop labeling me a creep. When that didnt work out first try I felt as if I had nothing left to live for and tried to end my life, because I felt that I was just genuinely not worth living if I cannot fullfill societies standards of men. Luckily I survived and am here to tell the tale. Still a virigin, but decently successful. But you know what? As soon as people find out im a virgin, none of my other achievements really matter anymore. Many people dont care that I have good friends, fullfilling hobbies and am generally decently happy and successful, they just reduce me to the creepy weirdo stereotype. Sorry for the rant, Im not sure why I wrote this. I hope some other men/ boys that read this can learn from my mistakes. Even if all you ever wanted in life is to be loved, society can be cruel and deem you unworthy of it. Dont let them win and become the person they want to paint you as. Become a version of yourself that you can be happy with, there is much more to life than superficial relationships and patriarchic standards of success. Many men are less successful than they pretend to be, because everyone is afraid of being judged and being made to feel inferior.

Reminds me of the time when the CIA airdropped extra large condoms into the soviet union labeled as medium

Was du dir bei jedem studiengang immer merken musst: mit 99 prozentiger wahrscheinlichkeit gibt es immer jemanden der besser ist als du. Selbst für die leute die mit 4 schon ihren eigenen kernel kompiliert haben gibt es immer noch jemanden der ein größeres genie ist. Erfolg im kontext von anderen zu definieren ist ein rezept für unzufriedenheit, da es nunmal milliarden an menschen gibt, sodass die wahrscheinlichkeit dass einer von denen besser als du ist ziemlich hoch ist. Siehs vielleicht mal so: es gibt bestimmt genug menschen die sich neben dir dumm fühlen würden weil sie es gar nicht in das studium geschafft haben, keinen werksstudentenjob haben oder vllt generell keinen schulabschluss haben. Was ich für mich gelernt habe ist, dass solange ich meine eigenen ziele erreichen kann ich deutlich zufriedener bin wenn ich mich nicht mit anderen vergleiche. Solange ich heute mehr weiß und kann als gestern bin ich zufrieden mit mir

Ich definiere nässe einfach mal als die fähigkeit einer flüssigkeit mit einer oberfläche zu interagieren und diese zu bedecken. Geben wir nun wasser zu wasser sehr vorsichtig hinzu, so bedeckt das wasser unter bestimmten umständen wie z.b. verschiedener salzgehalt, verschiedene temperatur, etc die Oberfläche des bereits vorhandenen wassers ohne starke durchmischung. Dementsprechend befindet sich nun das wasser an der oberfläche in kontakt mit wasser und ist somit nass.

Thank you so much for your perspective. Its really helping to know that not everyone is demonizing me. Im an (autistic, but that isnt really relevant) man who has never really had much relationship success. The social pressure of that, especially from my family and friends is crushing. People make fun of me if they find out im a virgin, they assume the worst about me. Also not talked about enough is the fact that making fun of peoples percieved differences and disabilities is a huge no go, unless youre a vigin man over a certain age. At that point, it becomes fun and games to start making fun of your physical appearance, your percieved weirdness/ difficulties with social cues because youre percieved to be part of a group of undesireables.

Grace hopper is a computer science legend. Her contributions are up there with Alan Turing, Donald Knuth and John von Neumann in terms of impact

Also, true management. Run a team into the ground, bail before anyone notices, rinse and repeat

Actually, yeah. Makes it much harder to notice anythings wrong when no one person has the full oversight over the data. Also if anyone investigates theres so many points of failure that its almost impossible to prove malice over just inefficient and intransparent processes and mistakes as the cause  Elon musks dad owned an emerald mine in Zambia. They flew there with regular planeloads of contraband in a country that was experiencing a civil war at that time (Rhodesian War). You can guess what that plane was carrying and why they were allowed to mine emeralds there.

Beschämend und peinlich ist gut für die einschaltquote. RTL würde das direkt signen

Remember when Musk admitted to illegal arms trade with his dad in exchange for blood diamonds/ emeralds during an attempt to gain clout? If this guy had any whistleblower killed the whole world would know about it because he would sooner or later brag about it. The only way this dumbass gets anyone killed is through mismanagement, terrible untested designs and gross negligence. Which still gives a very high chance that the iss is not gonna deorbit as planned and instead is gonna crash into an area where people live

Theres a very famous speech by emperor wilhelm the second of germany. Its called the boxerrede (Boxers speech)/ hunnenrede (Huns speech) that he gave to the german soldiers about to be shipped out to quell the boxer rebellion in china. To summarize, it tells the soldiers to show no mercy, make no prisoners and terrorize the populace like attila the hun did to the europeans centuries ago, so that no chinese would ever dare to rise against the germans again

Its only weird if you sexualize it. If you take sexuality out of the equation naked people are no longer weird but rather just people with no clothes

Damn hackers mining crypto on my microwave are making it slow again

Might lead to the russians initiating a multi day firefight amongst themselfes

The battle of hostomel airport turned the VDV into an endangered species as the russians lost planeloads of their most elite soldiers.

I imagine that concrete shells with no protection might not even be 100 percent structurally sound anymore after 15 years exposed to the elements

Not really medical field, but in my lab we send the new guys to get the golgi apparatus

Also humvee exhaust sampling is a fun one. Get the boot to grab a plastic bag and try and seal in some exhaust fumes because these get sent to be analyzed later