
It's pretty bad at the things you're describing. When you cap your legitimacy, it only really decreases if you are severely misplaying or are incredibly unlucky.

Even the best example you give (lowborns giving a big hit) isn't an issue because ANY random house just gives the prestige hit for marrying down. They should have made it bad to marry anything lower than the daughter or granddaughter of a Duke as a king, and emperor's should be choosing princesses. That way it reinforces the pure blooded insanity that the game already had going for it.

Basically, they under-tuned the entire thing in my opinion. Like the very opposite of the diseases DLC.

CK3 has an issue where they aren't considering an overall balance patch for the game as a whole, but the result of that is that people are stuck with bad balancing if they don't have all the DLC (something they have tried very hard to counteract compared to CK2).

Basically, the devs have tried to be really creative, but aren't balancing the game besides giving cheat modifiers for AI like most games do. Universities shouldn't be so cost prohibitive, income should be slashed (debt was a real thing people) popular opinion should have a large effect on taxes and legitimacy, and combat modifiers should cost money to upkeep.

Tldr; CK3 is a bit too easy in some ways and downright annoyingly mis-balanced in other ways. It's still a ton of fun.

Then it's probably Sakhalin. I don't know where fake spring is exactly, but that was in February anywhere south of Osaka

Best of luck mate. That sounds like one of the worst work environments for teaching. If look for another job. There was a job post here for a spot in Saga Japan. The OP said it was a nice place and I'll bet it pays better.

I'll keep them in mind when hiring season gets closer. Thanks

Not sure that works for me, but it looks like a good opportunity

Sounds like some mundful meditation would serve you well. Often times we aren't seeing the whole picture from the perspective of a teacher in a different culture. While there might be better ways to learn English, often times it is limited by the expectations in Japan and their JTEs often try quite hard to accommodate better English practice within the framework of Japanese education.

I wake up at a regular time, and try to communicate with my teachers as early as possible for lessons. Having some fall back lessons is a good idea, so you can plan ahead in the book and try to make a few small activities that can soak up some time.

What level are you teaching?

Hell's Front Porch is starting. You must be in Touhoku.

I always felt sketchy, ridding in a car. All it takes is one slip, crazy person, distraction, bad weather, etc and it could just be over (or you're crippled for life)

:michiganstate: Michigan State Spartans

You're lacking the understanding of the background of the Holocaust if you don't understand how things became bad enough to kill 6+ million Jews, millions of others, and millions more political opponents as well. That kind of stuff doesn't happen over night, it took 20 years of political degeneracy and racism to reach a point where the government was awful.

You seem to forget that the rich were the ones benefitting from the genocide and many of Germany's changes under the moustache man and it was designed as such.

And you thinking that I am referring to WW2 Germany instead of Modern Germany is a whole journey of delusion itself.

:michiganstate: Michigan State Spartans

I'm talking laws about how contracts work and how public image rights are handled. Not the same thing as taking away individual rights, destroying unions, and favoring the rich and powerful....oh wait, that describes America to a T

I always appreciated my British/Aussie Anglophones for the creative words to call the jerks in our lives. My hometown has no such claim to fame besides being polite when people aren't shooting each other

It's definitely an Aussie thing, because the slopes where I live in America are quiet, and 90% of people are straight polite when on the slopes (though some people will always be dangerous on the slopes)

I'll be honest bud, anyone I've met from the north of Japan has said that Australians are the worst tourists where skiing is concerned (probably more based on the numbers) and the only people I heard loudly on the train in Kyoto last I visited were Aussies.

I think it's all just a factor of cheap tourists are the ones least likely to make a change to their attitudes, and Japan is getting a lot more cheap tourists now.

Yeah, historically speaking, it's pretty ahistorical to have Turkey beating Austria til the very end. A comeback would have been more accurate


The middle lakes are where you can usually find cheaper houses.

Along the big lakes is where idiots build houses and lobby for local governments to pay for their hubris

:michiganstate: Michigan State Spartans

I don't think they will win due to public image domain. If I am filmed in a job, and I signed off to say, "whatever" then I am not entitled to profits from the promo video unless it was specifically contracted.

Lawyers in America are out of control. We should just make strict laws like in Germany that are interpreted more clearly.

But that would imply that America has any lawmaking ability.

Tighten the corners of your mouth like you do when you think "welp". Pucker and put the tips of your lips into the mouth piece a bit and blow through a small hole in your lips. Once you start getting some buzzing on the mouthpiece, get some sounds from the trumpet. Keep practicing, watch some videos on good embouchure tips, and tweak to find something good for you. Everyone is a bit different so even a common method isn't suitable.

Extra tip, don't be discouraged if sounds aren't coming out right away.

Lol, PC for the win. Sorry you are kept from your purchase by the multi-billion dollar company screwing you over with capitalism.

Knowing where I am, I'll bet it's another couple weeks before I see them in ATMs lol

The legal system is a huge reason I think, but having hear nothing but stories from food safety experts since I was a child I still find some of Japan's food rules kind of lax at times

Nope. I have a friend that has microwaved rice from the cooker that was there at least a day before. Not running.