Fits with Lovecraftian mythology. Azathoth is a Blind Idiot God dreaming the universe into existence, so it could be a reference to that.

Scarlet Aeonia + Blood Backhand Blade with Bloodhound Step is what got me the victory.

Proc Rot right after dodging his gravity screw attack in phase 1, and in phase 2 right after the light AOE.

just read up on how to plan a build in this game. you will be able to respec after defeating the next major boss.

There is no way you have a level 9 bloodhound fang before beating Godfrey. Are you sure it's not just +9 to the damage due to your stats?

Try going to the Roundtable Hold and talk to the smith, upgrade your weapons.

This isn't a game where you dump your stats on Dex or Strength for ultimate damage. Vigor and Endurance are more important, Dex and Strength are much more for being able to use a weapon.

Edit: Also, explore the rest of Limgrave down south if you havent/

What sort of build do you have? Your level should be fine for Godfrey, but perhaps you spent your skill points in a non ideal way.

Have you been upgrading your weapons enough? What about using different ashes of war?

Which area are you in? Where are you getting roadblocked? Or do you just want to grind?

very much worth it, much more satisfaction.

The issue with summons is that it makes it too easy for you to escape and regroup. Kills some of the adrenaline you get when you are 1v1ing all the bosses.

Just finished the DLC, only did summon for Bayle cause Igon was dope, and for the NPC before the end fight.

Try not summoning them, they increase the health substantially and don't help much!

Huh, never realized she Nepheli was Casca all along.

I think the key here is that the person mentioned in the Nanaya's Torch is not Midra, but the previous attempt of someone else. This make's Nanaya someone who is trying to groom the next Lord of Frenzy, and Midra is her attempt.

He is enduring pain, torment and Madness trying to build up enough to truly become the Lord of Frenzied Flame.

It's unfortunate. I really wish there was more to it, but there is little context provided, and that memory scene in the end was very underwhelming.

They should've added more memories at each of the crosses, because the story really doesn't go anywhere. Some of Marika's memories as well.

It's just a matter of them giving us a bit more. Like, we actually learn more from the story trailer than in the actual game. They have a much better grasp of what is going on internally, I wish they shared some after two years, and maybe nothing new after it.

I just wanted to talk about some thigngs I found curious that I took screenshots of.

1- If you look south during sunset from the Supressing Pillar, you can see what looks like waterfalls in the distance. I didn't see this anywhere else, and just underneath this "Sun".

2- Which Moon are we seeing in the Shadowlands? The NE pointing one, or the one we only see from the plateau area near Manus Celestes?

3- I totally thought that the main sap leak looking like Grace would mean something, but I guess not. I wish there was more around the basin and base. Is there a compilation of actual textual lore on the Scadutree? There isn't much.

4- I forget if this was in Belurat or Enir-Ilim, but we can see a spiral tree with buds on the top? Is this an undamaged Scadutree? A precursor? The Crucible?

5- Near the Miquella Cross in Belurat, I found these Man-Fly cocoons that had hatched. I don't remember ever fighting a larger Man-Fly. Are these found anywhere else?

Malenia Solo in NG+, and as of yesterday, Promised Consort Radahn were huge adrenaline rushes.

On a disappointing note, when I first found the Finger Ruins, I was so hype because OF COURSE something ultra-amazing would've come from that.

He sounds more immature, which is not surprising since there is a big age difference.

I was wondering if they had created a language for that, I guess not!

Unity Asset Store,, Mixamo

For people who can't exercise calls due to limited resources, it can be a way (if you are really lucky) to make profits off good calls, sell for profit, and then use that to buy more shares.

That's how DFV accumulated his stash.

It is possible that the options ramp helps push up price more than buying shares that aren't on the lit market. That I would like more info on.

No, I just allowed myself to think critically and not just snort pure hopium. If we cannot discuss openly, we are fools.

Like, right now you are thinking: fuck that guy what an obvious paid shill. Truly not the case.

Superstonk is echo-chambery, and OP asked a specific question and I answered. It is good to be aware of echo chambers.

If you have something that proves any of what I said to be wrong, please let me know.

Who has shares that don't vote. Institutions and insiders, or do insiders vote?

Because I've swallowed too much kool-aid over these past few years, and since the numbers aren't budging, I don't believe in "locking the float" anymore, especially when so many shares were added. I'm not touching my DRS shares, but I'm not adding to it.

DFV confirmed to not be DRSed was also a bit of a reality check.

We checked the ledger and confirmed the numbers, we demanded answers from CS's CEO, and he confirmed the numbers, angrily at the thought that his business was a fraudulent scam (it might be, above me paygrade).

Is there a grand interconnected conspiracy, or are we in an echo chamber filled with too much tinfoil where any breaking of ranks is seen as pure shillage? I saw the same type of thinking with blanket and it makes me re-evaluate.

I still believe, I know GME is THE one idiosyncratic risk, and I know that it isn't in risk of bankruptcy and has a great outlook. I just think we probably focused on the wrong thing with DRS.