I hope but right now mine are in a chair with my cat laying on them.

That’s funny thanks I needed that

Ok that’s going to be a lot of money to cover those

Old saying goes that you get what you pay for and Sweetie that’s this dear what were going for

I mean old saying goes you get what you pay for

I have a diluted tortie she is mostly orange but she’s very sweet she is my baby girl right now she is sit on my lap cleaning herself. She got an attitude but she’s still a very sweet little girl

No she was 3 years old when I got her from the shelter and my older dog was 6 years old and my youngest was 2 when we got him but they love her. She try’s to eat there food Dylan won’t let her. She is a sweet little baby

Cat wants to set the world on fire and my cat wants to help him or her


Human babysitter or horror movie actress

He’s going to be the best buddy for the dog. I got a tortie that adopted my dogs she loves them and they love her both are pit bull mixes

Yes you’re right my husband has a friend that works for the Indiana Department of Transportation and they have them here and he showed my husband and told him what you said


Diamond is in the back she’s 7 years old and Dylan is in the front he’s 4 years old and he’s as dumb as a rock sometimes


He was annoyed with me for getting up to go to the bathroom

She looks like Jasmine my husband’s cat


My name is Houdini and I’m called Houdi, Houds, Houdi bear. Black thing