Why? Are you going to dig up a reason it was ok the cop killed them too?

Is sending him weapons and giving him cover via an ever shifting redline not?

People misuse the redditcares bot as a way to tell people to kill or hurt themselves without getting banned. I was just being sarcastic

Germany heel turned and is on the Jewish side now

Sounds like a great opportunity for Democrats to differentiate themselves, but that's missing the point. If Biden is dumb enough to do Netenyahu's bidding while knowing he'd rather get trump elected, why would I want to vote for someone willing to shoot themselves (and us) in the foot so readily?

Don't waste brain power on the details. Netenyahu nixed this before Biden even brought it to the press lol

I'm not the kind of person to misuse the redditcares bot, but this comment makes me wish I was

This response doesn't make sense.

It does if you understand what Netenyahu wants. Which is to stay in power and, if possible play the Democrats/Biden for fools in order to get trump elected. And just like the IDF killing human shields hurts them in the long run, Biden and the Dems are shooting themselves in the foot supporting a partner that doesn't support them. Which leads to the question, are the Democrats dumb or complicit?

What would happen if the engine in your car suddenly stopped working? The engine turning off doesn't make the parachute stop working, it just prevents them from gaining altitude

If only they were part of a union or something they could collectively bargain for wage increases

Would you rather have the flu (Biden) or stage 4 cancer (Trump)?

You'd have to be a middle school drop out to think Biden and Trump are this different

I've never met anyone that will admit they voted for Bush, yet he got elected. People lie about all kinds of shit if they think they'll be judged for it

They still don't have the kind of judgment that lawyers have

Not sure we want computers to have that