The most handsome-smelling woman

I’ll preface by saying that some of these notes can be okay in small amounts, but absolutely ruin a fragrance for me if there’s too much of it:

  • Cumin
  • Clove
  • Any kind of orange derivative (petitgrain, orange flower, neroli)
  • Tuberose (and heady white florals in general)
  • Birch tar
  • Pine
  • Frankincense
  • The pickle-y sandalwood
  • Soapy lavender

Can’t think of anything else at the moment, so these must be my biggest offenders.

The most handsome-smelling woman

Musc Moschus by Rania J!

The most handsome-smelling woman

I really wanted to like this one, but it’s just too tart and bitter.

San Diego! Balboa Park is fun, and the Gaslamp Quarter has a bunch of good food. Heads-up: there’s a big convention in mid-late September that might make things crowded. Wherever you end up going, I hope you have fun!

I’m on mobile so I can’t see downvotes. Some folks can’t stand interracial relationships, I suppose 🤷🏾‍♀️

I prefer Black men but I’m attracted to and have dated several different races. I also love Black women, but have never dated a woman.

I thought it was just me. Haven’t been in several months and decided to have them yesterday. Noticeable difference in size and quality, and I didn’t see any of the usual guys in the back. Super disappointing.

Same! But I’m very introverted and don’t talk much 😅

Happy birthday!!! 🎉🎊🥳

I usually don’t do much on my birthday besides go to dinner, but a gaming convention falls near my birthday this year, so my bf and I are going to San Diego for a week. Super excited!

The most handsome-smelling woman

Lovers in Pink by Cherigan. My coworker says that it smells like BR540 on the drydown but I have to smell both to compare. Honorable mention: Invisible Post by 19-69. Maybe the fig wave has died down.

The most handsome-smelling woman

My coworker brought the discovery set in a few weeks ago and this one was by far my most favorite. Gonna grab a full bottle soon.

The most handsome-smelling woman

No problem! Hope you find something you like!

Just wanted to say that I bought a whole bunch of TGIN stuff just now based on all these recommendations. Hopefully it works for me 🤞🏾

The most handsome-smelling woman

I would also tack on Copper by CDG.

She was over-the-top crazy for what appears to be a minor situation. In my opinion, this is beyond trying to talk. Escalate with your landlord. Document everything and record when you can, if this happens again.