Thanks to all! So I ended up going to Mai Chau in the morning and then from there grabbed a scooter to Pu Luong.. was definitely worth it and definitely to recommend. Ninh Binh would’ve been the number one option if I wouldn’t have just been there…! Thanks to all and Cam On

Where to go outside of Hanoi close to the north for two days?Travel/Du lịch

So I’m with my gf atm in Hanoi and have 3 days remaining in Vietnam, flying in 4 days in the morning. We wanted to do the Ha Giang loop but realised its probably not doable without taking sleeper busses today and on the day before we leave (which we can’t do), so now we are looking for alternatives. With a scooter, what is the best option to still travel for 2-3 days outside of Hanoi, while leaving on day one in the morning from Hanoi and returning in the evening of day 3? Help needed and many thanks!

I (M26) just moved in with my gf (F27) and regret it

I just moved in with my gf and regret it

I (M26) moved in with my gf (F27) recently and somehow feel deep down that it is not what I want. We’re together for 3 years now but know each other even longer. Earlier this year she moved to my city for a job after being on long distance for a very hard 2 years. I was about to break up back then but gave the relationship a chance now that we are in the same city. So when she moved she moved in with me into my studio apartment and after 6 months we decided to move into a bigger place. Initially I was excited but before and after the decision to leave the studio I felt very uneasy, not happy and simply retained the desire to continue living alone. I may have run out of love and I may have lives in the belief that the relationship was worth struggling for. But these feelings just don’t pass and I really feel like continuing alone. May very well just be simply that I do not want to commit. We had talks in the past and talked about breaking up. But now having moved in together it feels like I cannot undo it. I should maybe just tell her that I am not happy anymore and that I tried but somehow nothing works and the past has not been to helpful either for us. I am less and least also in the mood to compromise on myself and continue a half-hearted relationship. How do I bring forward and communicate this in my situation? This is my current struggle.

What happened to the Big Mom Pirates at/after Wano? Wrong and bad answers only xDDiscussion

Strawhat, Kid and Heart pirates ships’ crashed on them after heading out and they sank to their graves 🌊


Yeah definitely not. More probable to have some Lunarians that were in hiding tbh. Would also explain how the Lunarian traits of the Seraphims next to King having been imprisoned.

!!! RAILGUN INCOMING !!! she needs to get piercedd

Is Luffy’s strength all about acceleration? (physics)SpoilerDiscussion

Taken from all of the clashes against Kaido, how does he match against an object that is easily over 10* his mass? If Luffy matches a clash, he matches force so we can say F(k) = F(l), but if F=m*a and Kaido’s mass (m) is considerably higher than Luffys, Luffy must be compensating with acceleration (a). Just a thought I had, what do you guys think?


Agree. Still find it unfortunate that its been literally hundreds of chapters of him being a wuss

Usopp could do much better but seems to not want toDiscussion

I feel like I’m alone on this one which I find bizarre but Usopp to me doesn’t fight the way we know he could. I’m saying this in view of his fight against Luffy. Arguably it was the most badass and serious we saw Usopp in a fight. He didn’t give to shits, he was ruthless, smart with fire in his eyes and no sign of fear. His purpose in that fight was the Going Merry and granted, he had his reasons (kinda). I find it very frustrating to have never seen Usopp fight that way ever again. Always wimping out, playing a minor supporting role and literally being a gag. I wonder why Oda doesn’t give Usopp those moment and I find it infuriating as it casts a bd shadow on his character. He was willing to kill for a boat that was broken but not in countless other situations where he buried his head in the sand. What do you guys think? I really want to see him fight like he did against Luffy. In that fight he actually was a warrior. Can’t say the same about him at all atm.


Interesting thought. I would guess that the unwillingness of leaving Wano to basically wait for the arrival of joyboy and the big war kinda intersect. Although they are contradictory, I agree.
Why build a humongous army if you have no intention of leaving Wano?
Maybe he was also just so tired of waiting for joyboy to arrive (20 years) that he said F*** it, let's rock'n'roll and get this over with.
Another idea is related to him knowing from Orochi that the Red Scabbards would return in 20 years. So he could have as well just picked that date as a deadline before throwing the towel and causing mayhem.
Just some thoughts on your questions :P

where did you hear about this? Would you have a source ?