In addition to it being Florida in summer, posting only a couple of weeks ahead of time is not enough time at all. Hope you’re able to find somebody!

You seem like such a kind and thoughtful person 🥹 good luck with your first sitters and the ones after!

Please ensure there is closest/drawer space as well as pantry/fridge space. The lack of closet/drawer space is one of my biggest pet peeves. Most pantry’s and fridges are fine typically

Would kill for a sit this long for cats. About to do a three month sit in Maine for two cats that I’m thrilled for. Long term sits are ideal

Could definitely get behind that! I’m just picturing an old school mop bucket which I have no desire using lol.

Unless the roll is completely out, that seems silly imo

I would never mop at a home. When you say you replace the toilet paper, what do you mean? Like you go out and buy more?? If so, would never fathom doing that. Everything else seems pretty standard though

I believe it’s up to each individual homeowner to determine if they allow guests or not

You’ll need a tour reservation, but it wasn’t hard to get unlike some of the bigger parks

You made the right choice, but if you’re ever back in the area, I’d definitely check it out. The ranger providing the tour was actually stationed there way back in the day, so you get a real first hand history of it

This is the launch control facility! Delta-01. I didn’t get a chance to make it to the missile silo at Delta-09 though :/

Tag. Saw it during movie pass times. What a fun, silly, and hilarious movie

I am unsure. Most parks will typically mention if movies have been filmed there and nothing was mentioned at this one, but it could have just been an oversight

UGH just realized I put the wrong sign photo in here

Agreed. I was there 1.5 hours and felt like that was enough. I only partially hiked though. Drove to the top and then hiked down to the tunnel portion of the trail

I work remotely and didn’t want to miss the opportunity to travel around as much as I can. I’m on a mission to go to all of the national park sites (there are 420+), so I try to pick places that are close to multiple NPS sites that I haven’t been to before. Just completed a month long sit in South Dakota and was able to cross off 12 units from the list. (See profile for posts)

When I first started traveling around, I did airbnb/hotels for the first few months and I found out how quickly those costs add up. Now I get to travel for free (living spaces wise) while also getting to kick it with cats all of the time. It’s been a damn fine two years. I go back home every 5-6 months or so for a few weeks and stay at my friends home that has a bedroom for me.

There have been a few times where I have gaps in travel that I end up needing to dog sit, but I primarily am exclusively sitting for cats only. The options are fewer, but still plentiful. I’ve been able to do pet sit full time going on two years now. You’ll be fine finding spots!

Correct. National Monuments are created by the president granted under the Antiquities Act of 1906. They usually (not always though) are made to protect one vital resource/national treasure such as devils tower.

National Parks have to be created by congress (or upgraded from national monuments/other public lands) and are there to protect numerous areas. For example, wind cave national park is protecting the cave itself as well as a large swath of land above that has been deemed important enough to protect as well.

Jewel Cave National monument on the other hand is primarily there to protect the cave. There is some above ground land that is protected, but not at the same level that Wind Cave is at