Send a group text to all family that shared their opinions… “Instead of my dog greeting me at the door as usual, I came home to find my beloved dog ALONE, in The Garage with no food or water, shaking from being scared and he was LIMPING from an injury he sustained at the hands of (Monster Kid 1,2). Where were (parents) while their children were torturing my beloved Max? It is unconscionable! I graciously invited (family names) into my home and this is how they treat me and my dog? (Parents) clearly have no respect or gratitude for me whatsoever. (Names of children) ABUSED my dog. Animal abuse is a crime and I’m still considering filing a police report. People go to JAIL for that crime.

If you see nothing wrong with what (kids names) have done, then I want nothing further to do with you. They traumatized my support animal. Injured him. Why don’t you invite them to live with you? Hide your pets. Your pets might wind up (not alive) at the hands of (kids names). And (parents) won’t care one bit.

To all of you who side with me, thank you, and Max thanks you as well. I will be calling you for a personal invite to my home for a nice dinner. “

Your grown children need to pay rent.

They need to behave like adults and pay rent.

He’s deadweight in your marriage. You get nothing out of being married to him and except he’s like your 3rd child.

Divorce, keep custody. He doesn’t DO anything to participate in the marriage or parenting.

Keep detailed records/notes. He can survive himself on his own salary. Release him.

NTA. Don’t concern yourself with her garnering sympathy. Tell her you are going to press charges for harassment and sue her for defamation. That might shut her up.

Tell your ex to shut her up …

Why would you wait 12 years?

This is not a HIM problem, it’s a YOU problem because at ANY ATIME in those 12 years, you could’ve walked away. Told him at year 4, 6, 8…. That you weren’t happy with not being married by then and could’ve broken it off… and found someone else who wanted to marry you, who you wanted to marry.

You should be angry at YOURSELF for staying so long.

Break up already. You are wasting your time on him.

If Costco allowed 2 random people (or fam members not living together) to join together, and those 2 people had partners, and those partners or friends paid at the register, that would mean 4 people are taking advantage of the membership. Not just 2. This is why they are strict and have 2 people only with same address.

Do you want to shop at Costco? Get a membership. Give up 6 Starbucks lattes — or a manicure and you can afford it.

Why are you with this guy?

He doesn’t seem to like you. He doesn’t respect you.

He’s exhausting to be around, it appears. He critiques you, your interests right into the ground.

I bet you feel exhausted, defeated, and unloved after these exchanges with him.

Get rid of this guy.

lol! It is more for her protection.

No one knows how he will react if she breaks up with him.

I read this suggestion in a book that deals with breaking up with someone you are afraid of.

“I’m white? Not according to Ancestry DNA!”

Even if that’s not true.

Bow out. Tell her you want her wedding to be stress free, so you are stepping down and will attend as a guest because you still want to celebrate her.

Drop him. He’s showing you EXACTLY who he is.

Tell him he’s single now, so he can find a new gf to control. It will not be you.

Op, I would put all of those keepsakes in a very safe place and THEN break up with your boyfriend. If you leave that stuff out, he could/ will destroy your stuff.

Get him out of your place and change your locks. ASAP. He’s not secure enough to date you.

But make sure you make it sound like you are doing him a favor.

You: “You deserve a gf who can focus all her attention on YOU. I just realized/admitted to myself I’m not ready for you OR ANYONE yet. I thought I was, but clearly I’m not. You need to move out and find a great girl who wants to watch movies, and do all the things YOU want to do. You deserve a great girl. Let’s go our separate ways. Clearly I’m not the one for you. You’re not happy with me. And I want you to be happy. So let’s end this relationship amicably. I’m not happy with our relationship either because we want different things and I want my dead husband’s urn out where I can go see it if I want to. You have a problem with it. I don’t want to disrespect EITHER of you. So it’s over. You deserve someone ready to be WITH YOU.”

Then once he’s out, go no contact and back on the market.

I don’t know if he’s home yet, but girrrrrrl, you need to be GONE when he comes home, with YOUR location turned off. Get your important documents and get out of there.

He sounds scary.

YTA. You should’ve stopped your daughter the very first time she did that crazy approach to your baby/wife.

You didn’t.

She’s old enough to know better. You should’ve shut that behavior DOWN immediately.

Your wife has just given birth. She needs peace. Tranquility. Quiet. She was as patient as she could be, until she had ENOUGH.

She’s getting an annoying shrieking 12 year old. Not good.

You need to apologize to your wife, and start parenting your 12 year old.

I didn’t. No.

He didn’t have anything when we got together. Still doesn’t, really… though he is financially supporting his AP to some degree. I know he is. He is trying to be her hero…. Ugh.

I know it’s wrong to want to see him fall from grace, but with what he’s put me through, I need some justice. I was a devoted and loving partner/wife to him, and he’s throwing me away for someone young enough to be his daughter. I’m hoping the people who held him in high regard give him (and her) HELL and support me instead. What is worse is he is fb friends with her father and her parents (religious) don’t know their daughter is having an affair with my husband, breaking up his marriage.. She knows better.

They all suck.

I’m beginning to believe that this is a favor in disguise. It’s going to suck at first, getting ready for a new normal, but I do hope I get front row seats to an ugly fall from grace on his part. And I hope he loses the respect of the people who he desperately wants respect from.

He needs to feel the pain. 10x the pain he’s put me through.

You owe NO ONE an apology.

Do not apologize.

Move out, and go VERY LOW CONTACT with your family. Do not contact them. Let them contact you. When they do, ask them if it ok to share GOOD NEWS in front of your sister. Anything less than a YES should be met with “.., well, when that changes, please call me back, because there is no good reason I can’t share positive news about myself without people telling me “…. It’s not the right time…” That is BS. And I won’t tolerate it. Goodbye.”


Do this.

Then accept your academy award for best actress.