Why does it seem like majority of social media is filled with conservatives?Culture & Society

If you look at any video , especially if it’s a political topic, the vast majority of comments are conservative and pro Trump.

I know it’s not an accurate representation of actual American voters but why does it seem like vast majority are hard core right wing? I’m talking IG, X, FB… pretty much any platform other than Reddit

That’s crazy you were able to smoke it for 20. That should’ve taken you maybe 10

Like that’s going to hurt elections ..

Then why is it that my point comes out decent and flat always dry?

I figured my flat gets overcooked while the thicker point is getting to temp/probe tender

I did 350-400 for like 30 min and it came out nasty and rubbery 🤮

Instructions please.

I’ve yet to have chicken come out not rubbery (skin)

I still don’t know if this is satire or not … wouldn’t be surprised either way

So most people pull at 203… that temp accounts for the extra post smoke cooking ? Or should I be pulling at 190 ?

Do you account for brisket to continue cooking after removing it from smoker?

An experienced smoker told me he pulls brisket at 188 to account for the extra time it cooked on its own. If I pull probe tender or 203 , it’ll overcook itself.


Just buy a good condition trailer. Unless you like wasting time and money

When you order brinkley from wish.com

Jk congrats

They dont have giant crucifix on their front yard and don’t have random people visiting at 2 am to buy drugs. And no 2003 Chevy. Malibu rusting and leaking oil

Aren’t qualified pilots who meet the mind applying? (With the exception of the small percentage of idiots who are applying with <1000 hours )

Crazy maybe. Trashy not likely since hoas are usually upper middle class and up.

Because of the yee haw Jesus pick up truck people

This is why I don’t mind living in HOA.

Those who hate HOAs have never lived next to trashy crazy neighbors

Wow TIL. This is that life hack we need.

Can’t imagine the smell in one of those