I don't even have contact with anyone from then. My life has moved on to keep visiting that stage of my life.

I have tried on and off to potty train my now 3yo. So far, he has no interest. I've decided to pop the potty in the lounge to make it more available.

I don't want to push, so that's where we are right now.

It's been hard as my eldest potty trained before she was 2, so I was expecting to be done with nappies by now.


I'm a twin and can't imagine having an only child.

My eldest is 5 and my youngest is 3. I've been on and off for years feeling like parenting is the hardest thing I have ever done and also like I do nothing but complain.

I still miss doing stuff I like and hate travelling with them but it's getting better and they seem pretty cool.

I have no advice, I didn't enjoy the first year's either and hope we are starting to get to a better place now.

Australia here and I've never heard of CCTV in daycares. We have an app and are sent photos occasionally but I find the idea of CCTV strange.

I thought of botw when I saw that pic too

When I've dated, not for years, you only saw one person at a time. So it was assumed after a few dates, you were bf and gf.

I live in the same city as my sister, hubby's sister (we both only have one sister) and his mother.

Our sisters only offer to help if we REALLY need it. They occasionally visit but don't babysit. MIL will help but only when we ask and we know our pair tire her out so try not to ask much.

My sister told me today that having them both is just too much. Welcome to my life 🙄

Note my sister is my twin and child free. She wants to see the kids but very much on her terms.

My 5yo hates that the 3yo doesn't understand games she wants to play. So half the time, I'm having to referee.

I quit years ago, but have no idea how people afford it now days. It was $5 for a pack of 30s when I started. I quit before it reached $10 a packet.

I went there today for lunch with my kids, and a 6 nugget happy meal was 11$ something! I was shocked, a burger meal for me was 16$.

40$ for a fast food lunch. Yeah, pass next time, ham sandwiches at home it is.

Totally agree, even ordering pizza on an app will make me stop when I see the price and close the app to find something in the fridge.

I've actually stopped buying beef except for the occasional roast (1 every 6 months). I can't justify $40 or more a kilo.

We do this now after paying so much money for 2 pizzas one night out. My daughter can eat a whole pizza on her own. I don't want to spend 80$ on pizzas. These were from a food truck and took an hour to be ready.... never again.

I thought Lolly was a boy.

Was very surprised Apple was a girl, only found out when someone said she in game.

Definitely thought Sasha was a girl.

Not insane but Jamie Oliver's kids names always made me pause:

Poppy Honey Rosie, Daisy Boo Pamela, Petal Blossom Rainbow, Buddy Bear Maurice and River Rocket Blue Dallas,

My daughter slept through the night around 1 and was potty trained at 22 months. But she refused to nap from 6 months old and daytime was a nightmare trying to get her down or dealing with the overtired screaming.

My son, however, didn't sleep through the night until he was 2.5 and refuses to potty train at 3. But he is a happy chap and would nap for 3 hours if we let him.

Depends on the kid.

When we lived there and drove in each day due to the traffic it was taking 40min each way and we didn't pick our child up from daycare until 5.30pm - 6pm each day. We decided we wanted more time with family and less driving was important to us.

This, I love me now and my life. I had to make a few awful mistakes along the way but I'd never swap my current life for anything.