Anyone else think for a millisecond that they had just used rocket fuel in the bike or something?

Whilst I recognise that some of my achievements would objectively be considered impressive, I can honestly say I don’t feel proud of anything I have done. Does that mean I have something wrong with me?

I suppose they weren’t supposed to tell me but I wasn’t really bound by the rules of the group. I don’t think I particularly did tell anyone though.

Perhaps I’ve been lucky but for all the things I’ve heard about how hard it is to register with a GP/dentist. I’ve been had a any problems doing any of those things, I’ve also had to take my kid to hospital a few times (like all parents) and the hospitals are amazing when you need them, especially for kids.

That Prince Philip was dead. Not literally THE first obviously, but I had a friend in a WhatsApp group at the palace. Was about 8 hours before it was in the news. Felt strange being in possession of privileged information that would soon be worthless.

Flippant yet, facetious no. In truth your question doesn’t make sense to me. What you believe (or try to make yourself believe ) should have nothing to do with how much comfort or benefit you derive from the social elements of a religion. It’s probably true that people who feel bound together by some kind of higher truth form more cohesive and functional groups than those who are meeting only to play team sports but effective social groups are not solely the preserve of the religious. You just need to find your people. People that you share a passion with, that you feel aligned to. I was referencing the satanist church which is actually a humanist group that masquerade as an anti religious group both to make an ironic point and fight for the separation of church and state. I was not seriously advocating that you join them, but you do need to probably take some time to think about who you want to be and what is really important to you. If it’s helping people, go find a group that does that. If it’s maths do that. Don’t delude yourself in something you don’t believe just so you can sit on the sidelines eating sausage rolls and feeling like part of something when you know in your heart you’re a fraud. Go be truthful to yourself

Man I must have hit the jackpot. There are tons round here. I am getting pop ups constantly

Sometimes we get into bubbles that it’s hard to see beyond. I am not minimising your problems but it may very well get better. You have no way of seeing what you can’t yet see. Don’t do anything silly. Hang in there a bit longer. Your never know the impact your life is already having on others or what impact you might have in the future. More then that you deserve to be happy and feel fulfilled. So stick around guy. Here if you want to chat

Yeah kind of. Just join a football team or something instead. All the sense of community, none of the self delusion.

With all due respect. I’m not sure what the question is. I’m in London with a 2 year old and I’m on a public sector wage, so it’s possible to live here with kids and in many ways it’s a great place for kids, but there are also places where your quality of life would be better. It Very much depends on your personal circumstances. Are you buying/renting? Can you afford a big enough place? Will you need a garden? Are you near a park? Do you have somewhere to store a pram? Willl you drive? Is there parking? Do you need a cargo bike? Etc. One thing to consider is trying to find somewhere with a a community vibe and other parents, because london can be quite isolating. Places are available with all these options but it isn’t cheap. Have you considered living on the outskirts and commuting in for the London experience?

My only conversations would be with the team of mathematicians who are now permanently assigned to me to study the qualities of infinity, now demonstrated in numerical form above my head

Yeah zuck trains pretty hard. He looks wiry. He’s young too. I’ll go all in on zuck.

George Clooneys coffee adverts are a very bad example because he has turned down millions for adverts over the years, but took that one to get the seed money for the sentinel project, a satellite which monitors troop movements in order to deter genocide in Sudan. Probably one of the most honourable reasons to do an advert in history

In my country the police will restore it to you if no-one claims it after a period, so the joke is on you.

How about some voluntary role like reserve military or firefighter or coastguard or police? Something which might afford you a bit of training, adventure and you might help people.

Butt licking is ok guys, come on. Don’t be that guy.

You just have to talk to them. Just talk and listen. Ask lots of questions. There’s not trick to it. Just have to do it a few times before you realise that it’s an easy thing to do. The best and only chat up line I have ever used is hello.