You pull, I tank. I pull, I tank. We pull, I tank.

I bet they spammed heals when the tank used their Living Dead.

My healer fucked up LD today in LV93 Dungeon too. Told them in chat but they spammed their heals. I dunno why people are too dumb to read chat, even with automatic translation they don't get it.

You pull, I tank. I pull, I tank. We pull, I tank.

Holy is a healing spell. The faster trash dies the less people have to heal.

I have no problem keeping Dark Knights alive in new content as White Mage. Might have to pop a Regen or Medica 2 even during boss fights, but if you never use your mitigation skills like Benison or Veil it's clear that you have to spam Cure lmao

It's absolutely refreshing having to press more than two buttons in Dawntrail dungeons. They hit hard and its absolutely fun doing them blind as healer.

You pull, I tank. I pull, I tank. We pull, I tank.

You didn't got the boot for stepping out of your comfort zone, they kicked your arse because you refused to do your job.

Just don't queue up for high level content if you're "rusty". Communicating at the beginning of a duty might help, but main characters expect to read their minds 

You pull, I tank. I pull, I tank. We pull, I tank.

I walked so you could run

You pull, I tank. I pull, I tank. We pull, I tank.

I'll ask Pictomancer to draw a coffin for you

You pull, I tank. I pull, I tank. We pull, I tank.

Vote kicking them on the last boss is the most satisfying feeling ever. They wasted their time by running the dungeon, almost got through it and if they'd been somewhat decent they could've cleared without any issues.

Now they have to run it from the start lmao

So you pronounce XYZ as "Recusants Sigil", "Epsilon" and "Eks"? /s

Do you call Tifa "Tie-fa" then?

You pull, I tank. I pull, I tank. We pull, I tank.

It's silly because their argument is invalid and their actions were more against ToS than you playing the game. But I wouldn't ever mention to report someone unless it's after you kicked someone.

Never had issues to take aggro back in Dungeons, Pictomancer hits hard sometimes but that's not something new. Yeah, looking at you, Summoner lol

I'm always telling people to dash ahead to use their CDs, Sage recharging Shields and all the Arms Lengths that can be used efficiently.

You pull, I tank. I pull, I tank. We pull, I tank.

These people really think we can read their minds if they're in a cutscene. This cutscene before the actual fight is almost 2 mins long. How dare you pulling first before they could see the dust on the floor getting brushed off.

They need to mentally prepare pulling, its such a hard process to accept that you have to take the aggro. Big enemy means also big damage /s

Luckily Thordan hits like a wet noodle these days, so you don't even need to heal much.

Whenever I get people entitled like this and complain about "cutscene watchers", I'll bite back. All you need to type as CS watcher "Please wait for me to finish cutscene", but if you act entitled and prissy because no one waited, you're not just dumb but also a posh prick.

Nah, no need to sugarcoat it. Back in KH1 they had at least a decent scenario writer, which allowed characters to exchange more words than just Light, Darkness and Keyblade.

It's awful. Story was good but Gameplay didn't age well. People need to stop using nostalgia glasses and accept the gameplay wasn't particular good in the first game. People shit on Re:CoM but praise KH1 to the heavens lmao

You pull, I tank. I pull, I tank. We pull, I tank.

Holy is a healing spell. Enemies can't deal damage if they are killed first. Never seen such a hilariously stupid take on arguing about not to use Holy because it "can't stun all enemies". Dear god they have to stop sniffing glue.

Wir brauchen wirklich Schrumpflation Aufkleber, damit die Leute sich weniger verarschen lassen.

You pull, I tank. I pull, I tank. We pull, I tank.

I cannot fathom the mindset of people taking 30mins than speed up and clearing old dungeons in like 8 mins. Good you were able to clear without them.

We don't claim these shitters on Light, guess I'll have to queue up as Tank for some time now lol

You pull, I tank. I pull, I tank. We pull, I tank.

Yeah, being unable to use aoes just shows how shitty that dude was as tank. It's literally just pressing buttons, but they really wanna play main character. Guess we decent players have to continue playing tank then.

Had an idiot like this in Fractal Continuum today, but we were able to take the trash out.

YPYT in Fractal ContinuumPositive tale

No picture because there wasn't any meaningful communication done.

Queued as DNC into Fractal Continuum and got a DRK as Tank, WHM and SAM. This specimen of a tank was LV90 and unable to turn on their stance during the first pull. We called them out and stood on the side while they spammed their attacks.

They typed something in German, which I pretended not to understand and killed the first boss. Moved on to the next room, dashed ahead with En Avant, popped my beloved Arm's Length and see that dork of a Knight sit on the side and watch us how we get attacked and aggro'd. Thankfully these mobs hit like a wet noodle, Shield Samba, Second Wind and Curing Waltz were enough to survive.

Shortly after I roll on the remaining items and initiate a vote kick. We take out the trash, get a decent tank and clear the dungeon without any casualties.

You pull, I tank. I pull, I tank. We pull, I tank.

Ah yes, the only skill Scholars have for healing. /s

Having a fairy stuck on their arse and don't notice the heals, funny.

You pull, I tank. I pull, I tank. We pull, I tank.

I don't know what they smoke what makes them believe they can heal with spamming low level skills. At some point when I get curebots I'm letting them suffer and focus on attacking.

Instead of adding Medica 3 they should've given M2 a cooldown of 120s, my head starts actually to hurt when I just think about all the upcoming spam in further Dawntrail content.

Bonus Story: on EA day we got an WHM in Aurum Vale, sprout who didn't do their job quests, no, they even spammed Medica and Cure to keep me alive. When I asked them about Holy or using Stone they just told me "Please leave me alone, I'm trying my best".

If I don't do a single job quest, why am I still allowed to queue up for Dungeons? Was adding an SM armor more important than adding some restrictions for the base game?

You pull, I tank. I pull, I tank. We pull, I tank.

Content is cursed right now. Expect to run into the worst degenerates since a long time.

Tanks who wouldn't mit, DPS who stand in as many piss puddles they can. I just left a Troia run because the tank wouldn't ever sprint, mitigate or take aggro.

They pretend like it's something different from Dead Ends, but, oh well. Guess I'll do role quests until the 30min are over.

Story wise? Probably. Gameplay? It's a nightmare.

I was fast and got 930, guess that's my lucky number for now