I know damn well it's Shiv-on but my brain is like: SOYBAN, SOYBAN, SOYBAN

My brain also refuses to read Rhys as a form of "Reece" and instead yells "RISE" uncontrollably whilst banging into walls.

Dude. The deal isn't they pay for groceries and you cook. You do a LOT of labour in that kitchen and grocery shopping, you deserve compensation. It's not skimming. That money is 100% yours. ESH including you, to yourself.

There's a lady/husband team at my local farmers market that solely sells propagation stations and they make a killing!

Oh thank goodness, I thought it was just me lol I have one doing this right now.

Oh, I LOVE Ariel Olivia. It could work with multi-syllable last names AND short, blunt ones. Bravo.

Came here to say this lol one year and seven months strong....so very, very strong.

If you're in and out before the restaurant closes, totally fine, but if you walk in 5 mins before close and expect a three course meal and a smile, get fucked.

I've watched every Mr. Ballen video ever and I can honestly say this doesn't sound like any of his. Perhaps Be Busta?

He needs a structured routine. He's just a baby. Do you have a crate?

I feel like not posting the recipe is ground to report lol. Seriously looks good!

I questioned my vet about it and she said it's fine. He's never had any kind of adverse reaction. It's not like we are pouring it into his water dish.

OP, this comment is really important. I have three bins of clothing. My weight fluctuates intensely when I start having really bad joint issues. I go from relatively athletic to a lump on the couch. Having clothes that fit you properly at whatever size you're at will make your confidence explode.

My dog does this with every lotion...or oil. I have a grapeseed oil that him and my cat obsess over trying to lick off my legs.

Ahhh thank you so much for sharing! I have a couple questions if you wouldn't mind me popping into your DMs at some point!

You...uh ..a Throne of Glass fan, by chance?

Beryl sounds like a name that was made up on the spot when someone had surprise twins but was deadset on their baby being named Meryl.

"Meryl and uhh...Beryl."

I feel like you should have a separate bank account for your business.

Sunshine is excellent for your first day snowboarding but I'd spend the last three days at Lake Louise, personally! I hope you have a lovely honeymoon!

He likes watching YouTube videos when he falls asleep. I like to smoke weed and have the animals in my bed. Happily married.

Really? Now I get to have anxiety about giving my dog gabapentin for the first time ever next Thursday? Ugh. It's safe, right? Vets? Vet techs? My 1.5 year old male golden will not die from this drug, right?

I feel like I desperately need to show you my outfit from today because I straight up think we would be friends in the same cartoon.

Aww you don't accept chat msgs.