But the people who wrote it are in his campaign.

Policy platforms are always a thing and a liability.

I get conflicting news. Some say China does not need or want a global market others say China needs it and it’s fine.

For 90% of issues the US should have the free trade we have always had. We need a modest separate chip supply got military but that is it.

Russian State TV has said Alaska is next. Russia passed a law saying Alaska was not legally sold.

Russia media monitor has this right from Russia.

If your response is lol Russia weak US strong that is mostly because Russia is stuck in Ukraine.

6 weeks ago Russia violated US air space in Russia.

Its not everyone. its Russians who want a weak US military so Russia can invade Alaska.

If you look at Russian state TV Russia says Alaska is next. The Russian border reagins show maps with Alaska as part of Russia. Putin signed a law saying the sale of Alaska was illegal. Military is not the place to cut.

More Americans live in Alaska than the streets.

If you think lol America strong Russia weak that is only because we give Ukraine our old stuff and buy new stuff the M113 is from 1959 the Bradly from 1980 etc.

Its being replaced with new stuff.

Not if Russia looses in Ukraine.

Keep supporting 3.5 years for ww1 to break Russia 6 for Afghanistan. We are at 2.5. A Biden win will end Russia.

I love being in a country where I can hate the government!

I love being able to hate my government. Think about countries where no one hates the government like North Korea.

I only want to live in a government that people are allowed to hate.

Rather have a bucket of shit I can bitch about than one guy who I have to say is awesome.


I am not being 100% “fair” inflation and housing are not Trump priories.

Trumps priorities are. Reducing the trade defect. These policies will help with that. Trump also wants to increase the % of Americans working encouraging people to come out of retirement don’t go to school etc. fewer people in school and working might kind of help inflation.

But higher wages aka inflation is how he plans to get more people working.

It is really fun to ask a Canadian about the current PM. People who voted for him are mad.

Not places I want live.

Like other places we might tolerate loving are famous for protesting like the r/Canada sub hates its government.

I love the freedom to hate our government.

Think about countries who love their government.

North Korea.

Put a tariff on all imported goods. Increasing the cost of everything at WallMart by 10%

End all legal and illegal immigration. This will be great for the home construction industry where 25% of workers are immigrants.

Tell me those policies wont make things worse.

Yes, Slander, that stopped Alex Jones. That stopped Fox. He has not yet said something that he could be sued over.

If he said actual corporation names he could be sued if not true. Remember all those conspiracies about voting machines? People who said that got sued.

He is exactly one step away from that.

He gets enough views that he can do real harm. Constant conspiracy theories are not a problem if all you attack is the “system” but if he talks about a person on company he can destroy it.

Don’t live in that suburban duplex then. Get roommates. The average square foot per person has gone up consume less space. Live with other humans.

This community is the only sub where my grammar and spelling is corrected.

If he does what Alex Jones did can he be sued? Can you find his address from TikTok.

My complaint about Tictok is this guy provides news with no accountability.

Reddit bans subs constantly. Twitter is getting hit with law suits from all over the world.

Ticktok provided 0 justice families of kids who died doing a challenge. And when I point this out the response is:

1 it is ok that the influences are shielded from being doxed.

2: and the grieving parents should not have given a 12 year old a phone.

I do not want a ban but I want accountability for what is said on the platform. Maybe this guy is just wrong a nut giving a bad book report whatever. But he is providing news and should be held to a news standard.

Can you hold OP accountable if he is wrong? Alex Jones got sued on you tube tv net works get sued. I have yet to see a tiktoker get sued. And they tell kids to drink from a toilet.

Why are we getting our news from a guy in the woods? Where did he go to school? Did he do research? Can I sue him if he is wrong?

X did nothing boomers marched like crazy that is why boomers are in charge. Gen x made mtv

Agreed Like 4 a week till the election. If they want to do em at 10 am whatever. But small fundraisers are not reassuring anyone.

I want Biden to stay in or I am rooting for him. But nothing is not an option.

We to point this out to anyone saying Ukraine must make peace.

A north Korea south Korea style peace is all we can have.