I am way too full now and this is making me feel like vomiting omg

People who can laugh at themselves for this kind of thing is one precious being :))))

The grey shirt kid at the back has a different kind of energy but he was having fun hahaha

No. You talk to mak cik there.

You: JB

Her: Johor

Blessed are those who have dodged bullets just by having an android.

Woah thank you for sharing!

How much time did it take to trim one btw?

Also. Chased by cows?! Then how did you even get it done?! Omg scary hahaha!

The title might be wrong but.

Some reason this feels warm. A kind of happiness. That he can do all those skillfully.

And he makes people happy.

Glad they still hangout with him after he decided to give up on human.


This world is a funny place. Soon enough the world will humble him.

Shit man. So sakit hati. Imagine all you want to do is surviving and all you can afford is a bicycle. And an asshole kicks you. Fak.

Moga murah rezeki, guy on bicycle. You got this!

Fak lah.

Kesian that guy 😔

Ego boost.

"Dalam pemerintahan kerajaan tahi di bawah kepimpinan Abdul Sekian, Menara Tak Guna telah didirikan. Menara ini merupakan menara tertinggi dalam alam semesta."

Oi. You kena VSS, kena fire or memang resign like that?

Whenever I remember his interview that he claim tak tau, it makes me angry.

Yet this guy still living comfortably than many Malaysians trying to survive their days.

I'm scared driving at places and hours with lots of moto guys vroom vroom their way to valhalla.

Like what if you hit my car and fly away just to plummet into the other lane and kena gilis lorry?

Like wtf you nak langgar lampu hijau orang? Like wtf you suddenly stop because you nak U turn cepat?

We sending her to prison or something today?

Is this a monthly regime? Or as needed when it's too long?

If only he can die more than once. Again and again.

Well neraka, do your thang.