that can change. remember wigs or even swaggy p?

Main thing are taxes. It's all still business at the end of the day.

Id rather he'd get that 5th with the Mavs if ever

and he'll go back and flex that ring on Steph and Draymond knowing he'd always have 1 more

Klay can easily go into broadcast

More of literally rip your heart out with her bare hands.

Can we just, say sign Klay for 51M for 2 years?

Ill start with Rogue flying to Domino, Quicksilver, Morph, Gateway, Longshot, and Multiple Man to absorb their powers then to Scarlet Witch with all the Rogue Multiples fully absorbing Scarlet Witch's powers. Lila abducting Hulk to a far away galaxy then going back to do the same to Thor (leaving Mjolnir behind to be wielded by Storm), Kitty phasing through Vision, and Magik with the Cuckoos trapping Strange in Limbo. Charles, Emma, Jean, Psylocke, Kid Omega, Fantomex, coordinates immobilizing everyone and Nightcrawler bamfing into their bodies one after another. At one point bamfing into Iron Man he says I Am Iron Man... Also Xavier taking control of Antman to help out Nightcrawler and finally making Antman grow to normal for Nightcrawler to do the same to Antman. After everyone is bamft, all telepaths go to Limbo to finish off Strange. Then everyone goes to Thor and duke it out (including Juggernaut, Colossus, Wolverine, Wolfsbane, Feral, M, X23, Banshee, Iceman, Gambit, Strong guy, Havok, Cyclops, Riktor, Rogue, Cannonball, Nate Grey, Deadpool, Frenzy) while telepaths disorient him and Magik uses teleportation disks to transport Thor's appendages piece by piece to different dimensions. Same process to Hulk but at the very last piece of Hulk's amygdala Magik summons a pocket dimension and Storm places Mjolnir on top of the Hulk brain part. By the end a couple of Rogue multiples finish their pies for everyone to eat. Jubilee, Syrin, Dazzler, Boomer, and Lila come up with a sound and light show while everyone unwinds.

How many telepaths can take control of the Avenger's hardest hitters?

Im not sure but isnt his dad also hooking up with a telepath?

Locked and loaded. We are peace loving people but history knows when push comes to shove, we know what true Filipinos are made of.