Where the hell is my remaster? I need this, I've never stopped thinking about this game!

If you recognize this immediately, you had a a great game as a child. The soundtrack still slaps.

Vault suits don't have the option for weave... do they?

The green rag hat has a base 10 energy resist which can have ballistic weave. I use the green shirt and combat boots or Army fatigue, again with ballistic weave. Then I tend to go buy all the legendaries available such as the mark 3 synth arm and commando chest piece combat armor with the powered effects, Black ops right leg with increased movement speed, destroyers left arm with damage reduction while sprinting and destroyers left leg also with increasee movement speed. After that it's legendary hunting to find better stuff. I usually like to try to save scum with legendary enemies to try to get powered everything then make it ultra light weight for the AP bonuses.  With all of this you get about 300 energy and ballistic damage resistance. 

Edit: added resistances

I go immediately east and activate the junkyard sentry bot then send and follow him to Olivia to get the locket for Abernathy. Love that farm.

r/Helpmefind is a great subreddit, but it really feels like people are incapable of using basic search engines or reverse image search.

I get that there are plenty of obscure things out there that need a bit of research but I also feel like most of what I see being requested are things that could be and typically are found in seconds. Am I missing something?

Wouldn't your DNA partially match synth DNA since it was Shaun's they used as a base for their project?

I always thought that the Institute could have just replaced you while you were still in the pod at some point after they started making the Gen 3s. Knowing the Salesman doesn't prove you're human in that sense. 

The whole scene but mostly just "Does it taste like lies?"

Ever since the first quest for the fighters guild in Morrowind, it has been and will always be...Pillows.

Kevin Costner as The Postman.

You definitely get my upvote on this. I love the name and it fits the universe so well.

I also see a lot of surgery references, maybe the Nip-Tuck?

I want to say Laserater: a conjunction of Laser and Lacerate, but all I can hear is Snakerator from Invincible.

I second this but I always put a space before everything I use regularly! 

This is arguably one of the best items to give your settlers since they don't use ammo and this things dps is insane. I always call it something like "Advanced Enclave Plasma Torch" but now Enclave stuff is everywhere so maybe I need a new name.

Why the hell have I never heard squish mitten before??? This shouldn't have made me laugh so hard.

At the west end of the Koi pond there is a point where the rock wall has a three point intersection (slightly east and up a level from a research station). It's a large flat area and at the top level of the yard. I also usually build up a minimalistic platform around the oak tree as high as I can get to make a kind of Grand Central Station for a bunch of zip lines so I can get anywhere on the map relatively quickly. When I say high up, there is a point where the oak tree becomes "hollow" and you can walk right through the bark.

Well, I'm a gamblin' man and the House always wins.

Also worth mentioning that they stopped doing it shortly after a girl literally snapped her neck and was paralyzed from there down while riding on the gravitron.