You would need to pull another OW2 and make an OW3, and that would only further ruin the reputation of the game considering it’s already shaky foundations

:centrist: - Centrist

Fuck off commie, it’s Fourth of July, I can be as damn stupid as I want to be

:centrist: - Centrist


San Fran nimbyism is genuinely the worst in the world. It’s not like it’s a low rise city that has a lot of charm people are actually wanting to preserve. It’s legit already got a huge Central Business District and people still act like skyscrapers are going to harm the city

I’d really like to see lower Manhattan’s skyline start to move further north tbh

This sub desperately needs better moderation holy hell. Madison is lovely, but this is the SKYSCRAPER subreddit y’all. Post these types of photos and things in architecture or city porn

I think Milwaukee has a great skyline for its size, and pretty architecture as well. That being said, the fact it beat out so many city skylines that are genuinely way superior, I’m convinced the author of the article is from the city

Not even MOTD, Blundell became the new zombies lead after Origins

Though knowing Eddie is a Richtofen, bro is still definitely a maniac

I highly recommend people watch this video, it makes me so sad to think Activision has never partnered with a drink company to produce irl perks. The creator also has a second video with other perks that also look incredible

Looks like a city that already has a decent high rise scene but is about to get hit by a condo boom that will slowly erase its unique charm


I think the solution to this is to legit make it where basekit unbreakable kicks in after a certain amount of time. Fuck even add in endurance after you recover. The amount of times I’ve had to endure being slugged for an entire game and the killer not being punished at all is insane

:centrist: - Centrist

Is man acoustic?

:centrist: - Centrist

It was initially made to mock but it was surprisingly a good show that also demonstrated the need for a branch such as it. The main drama in it was mostly that the Air Force hated that they no longer had authority for US space related things

:centrist: - Centrist

Not anymore, ever since Trump came into the scene people conveniently forget George Bush launched an illegal war, pushed for a security state, fumbled recovery for Katrina to the point where Louisiana still hasn’t fully recovered, and did not properly address one of the worst economic recessions of our time. His grave should and hopefully will be pissed on more than Trumps

The Harvesters from Independence Day attack the Earth in 2015 just prior to the Avengers fight with Ultron, who wins?Battle

Title is self explanatory, but I will lay some ground rules.

  1. This is just the Harvesters from the first Independence Day, as such their massive continent sized mother ship and other craft from the sequel will not be included in their forces.

  2. The human characters from ID4 will be wholly supplanted by the Avengers and other characters from the MCU at this year.

  3. Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Vision will all not be included in the defense of the globe as they have yet to join the Avengers (or be created in Vis' case)

[Independence Day and Independence Day Resurgence] The Empire State Building was never rebuilt and its grounds became a memorial

In the Independence Day universe, we are aware that when the Harvesters launched their first invasion of Earth, their City Destroyer craft targeted central, important human locations in the variety of cities destroyed globally. Within the first movie, the three locations we are shown are the White House (DC), the Library Tower (LA), and the Empire State Building (NYC). Once the attack occurs, all three locations are immediately incinerated prior to the rest of their respective cities.

Twenty years later, during the events of the sequel, we can see that many cities around the world are now fully repaired. In particular, Washington DC is shown many times. DC seemingly had almost none of its prior architecture preserved/rebuilt beyond the White House. The Capitol Building has been enlarged and changed architecturally, though still similar to the original, and the Washington Monument now includes a list of victims on its four faces. I can only assume this was a similar case in LA and NYC, but I believe that the case was different in NYC. For starters, following the attack in the first movie, we see a shot of Manhattan showing the devastation. Something worth noting is that the city's skyline is actually remarkably intact. The most prominent example of this is the fact that both of the Twin Towers actually survived (though severely damaged).

This leads me to believe that skyscrapers, of all building types, are the least susceptible (though still vulnerable) to the City Destroyer's energy weapon. Conversely, a target like the White House or other smaller structures were easily wiped out by the fire wave produced by the energy weapon. This is where NYC's target, the Empire State, comes back in to the theory. The ESB's way of destruction is ultimately the same as its sister targets, complete incineration. As such, it wouldn't be able to be rebuilt as easily as the other NYC towers due to not all of them being destroyed to that same degree. I believe that when the US government was starting to rebuild the destroyed cities and targets, they determined that the Empire would be the most logistically sensible ground zero to not rebuild and instead repurpose into a memorial. It would also make sense considering of the three cities destroyed in the first wave, NYC was the largest, 16 million metropolitan in the 90s as opposed to the 14 million in LA and 5 million in DC. Furthermore, of the three targets, the ESB would be the hardest to rebuild. The White House is an important government facility, and as such its priority would be high to rebuild to the most accurate centimeter. The Library Tower in LA was built with more modern techniques and modular capabilities, meaning it would be the significantly easier to be rebuilt. The Empire State Building though, while a beloved landmark and incredibly famous, was not a government facility integral to the functioning of the US, nor was it originally built with the more refined techniques of the Library Tower.

Tl;dr, the Empire State of the main three targets in Independence Day was never rebuilt as of the sequel and its grounds contain a memorial


I think the big thing about RE is that the chapter got a ton of new people into the game which was huge for the community

Sad St Louis didn’t ever experience a boom like Chicago or San Fran. As a kid I often thought it was one of the most famous cities in the US

:centrist: - Centrist

This is a massive Trump W and there is no other way of seeing it.

Biden could have a better debate in September, some national situations could get better, the media could reunite again and try to prop Biden up again, but none of it will matter. This first debate, and even more so the public’s and even the DNC machine’s reaction, is enough to show that the man is not healthy and cannot be in office.

November 5th can still be close don’t get me wrong, but I think only democrats will be surprised that day

:centrist: - Centrist

Only one here I don’t really see happening a state seceding from the Union.