Being physical doesn’t mean you’re good defensively but if you’re not physical at all you’re not going to be good defensively and after watching him for almost three years he’s no where near a physical player.

Do not fok smash my door

Remarkable how people who accuse the republicans of being fascist immediately want to execute their political opponents. Btw this ruling doesn’t overturn the constitution so none of that is even possible.

So glad you went to Letna. That’s where I discovered Kozel Czerny which is the dark beer you probably had. It’s a great change of pace from the pilsners. If you haven’t gone to Charles bridge yet definitely try and do it at night

That’s awesome. I wish our president could ride a bike like your grandfather

Thank you so much I would never have figured it out without your sage guidance

Pretty sure she said “can’t we just drone strike this fucking guy” pretty hilarious honestly

They haven’t determined whether it was an official act or not? That’s kind of what the court hearing is for

How could you say something so controversial yet so brave?

I doubt most of the gms even know who RA is let alone what he did at game 7

Coups aren’t constitutional therefore it wouldn’t be allowed? Pretty simple argument

Like separating the powers of the executive and legislative branches which is what the Chevron decision did? Wait no that’s the first two articles of the constitution nvm

They have yet to defend their poorly worded point lol