They're really going to regret it when an ambulance or firetruck has to maneuver through it. Like it or not harden is a direct path through that area with no parallel.

i hadn't heard of that one and honestly not surprising. i suppose it really comes down to context. not only the time but the place AND language. as much as spoken language can have instances of words meaning one thing in one language and another in another, so too can simple hand signs. even in at least one instance the simple nod for yes and shake of the head for no has it's opposite

but it's just as easily interpreted as the example you or i gave. it all comes down to the viewers biases if no other context is given. it could even be seen as it's a 'OK' great job! people were moved out of harms way and the violence forthcoming will only be against those that chose to stay.

the one thing i know about people, we are strange all of the time.

that is until we get to know each other, take the time to understand one another....then we aren't strangers.

they're likely talking about how racists co opted the 'ok' hand sign to mean 'white power' with the 3 extended fingers forming a W and circle of the thumb and index finger forming P. not sure if that's what was intended by the commenter but it's an unfortunate reality that something once so innocuous can be construed into something hateful.

Hands down transmission arcade. Their food is better than any bar and most restaurants. Big ups to the Big Cat Roll!

i had a similar thought a couple days ago. i was talking about mel gibson's mad max movies and said mel brooks. someone pointed it out and i just had a laugh and said i'd love to see a mel brooks mad max.

i was thinking, maybe a new sub is appropriate called /r/crackheadengineering .....aaaaaaand it's already a thing.

people want Andy Griffith. a calm, collected law man who's willing to rationalize and deal with a complex situation.

instead we get Barney Fife who's willing to blow even a small problem out of proportion either to his own fear or his own pride.

oh neat, now do it for names that have fallen out of fashion!

man i hate to tell you but you may have to 'relieve' the pressure under your nail. my uncle told me of 2 ways he's had to do it. assuming there's a clump of blood under your nail. one way he used a tiny drill bit. he used his fingers to slowly drill a tiny hole through the nail. the other way was using a tiny nail heated with a blowtorch. i'll never forget when he told me about it. he said the drill bit was worse because of how long it took and when he used the heated nail, the blood spurt from it and he said it felt so much better after the fact. hope it doesn't come to that OR that your nail falls off. i lost my big toe nail one time after dropping a piece of furniture on it. hasn't grown back right since. in fact i need to trim it right now because it's hurting again.

what a wonderful man. even after this he's cracking jokes about aliens burning it down. someone from the town council should look into doing something like a kickstarter/gofundme to either rebuild or something. don't know what it would take, but i think it'd be cool if the town leaned into it and made it better. he's already done the ground work of building notoriety. embrace the weird.

the problem with baths is they're never big enough. i mean, if you have the means, of course you can get as big a tub as you want. but in general, even if you own your own home the bath it came with isn't likely of a decent size, i'm 6ft btw so not THAT big. and even if you own your own home and can change the tub, that's likely a large renovation. but i'm a renter and can't change anything.

fuck i want a bath now. i good soak. i wanna float an inch off the bottom like i could when i was a kid.

so so cool. i want one with a camera i can drive around my apartment. great work.

not sure what slicer you're using but there's probably a way to add a filament swap. what that means is that if you have 2 colors you can print a rectangle under your text in say white, pause the print, swap the filament, and then print in say black. if for whatever reason you can't find the setting in your current slicer or it just doesn't have it, Prusa slicer definitely does.

a good video explaining what i mean

thought about this some interesting work around MIGHT be for you to do the text in all lowercase but change the font size of the N to a bigger size. don't know how many names you're doing but with cursive wouldn't all the capitol letters be unconnected?

this is the way. i've told this joke in person to people and can waste minutes doing it. my method goes...

for the first few years he's tasked with counting the leaves on the trees. well he counts and counts and over the years leaves grow and die and he realizes that the leaves are ever growing and dying and that is the lesson.

the next few years he's tasked with counting sand in the rock garden. he counts and counts and realizes the rocks themselves are wearing down making more sand. same conclusion, the sand is ever replenishing yada yada. lesson learned.

then he's tasked with counting the bricks that make the monastary. finally a finite task he thinks. then after several years of counting a storm brings down one of the towers and it has to be rebuilt so the numbers change, yada yada growth and change. lesson learned.

all the while hyping the sound and his inability to talk about it to the head monk.

finally he's allowed to go through a door. well there's a set of stairs leading down down down, then another door, the sound growing ever more enticing. another door, another set of stairs, another door another door.

go as long as you think you've got their attention, then the big reveal. never fails to get em hahahaha.

another example is the. 'big 10.'

as short as i can, guy wakes up and finds the paper has the headline BIG 10 with no explaination. he asks his wife about it and she gets pissed says she's getting a divorce and takes the kids.

dumbfounded he goes about his day to work. asks at work. he gets fired.

wandering the streets he goes to a dinner and orders soup. asks the waitress who gets pissed, throws the soup in his lap and tells him to get out and never come back.

wandering the streets more, covered in soup carrying his work box of stuff, muttering 'big 10, big 10' when a homeless man beckons him and says if he wants to know what the big ten is to follow his directions....can of course embelish more here....and when he does, he gets to a big intersection and across the street he sees a big building with a sign on it "BIG 10"

finally his answers are so close, and as he goes to cross the street he's hit by a car and dies.

i'm so glad i never got into warhammer. looks like fun but damn those minis are expensive. you practically HAVE to have a resin printer. these look great!

kit cards is def the best. pack flat, and since they're flat, they should print quicker. just a matter of finding one that fits the theme of the festival or of course if you're able to design then the options are limited by your imagination and design skills. the only other thing i'd say is using filament swaps and designing buttons/pins but that also takes a second step with placing the pins on the backs. i've made a few and used a 2 part epoxy to attach the pins but next time i think i'll try UV epoxy to make that process easier. but again, the pins print flat and with the filament swap just 2 colors really make a design pop.

i thought at first you were making a mold to pour resin or silicone or something and then you showed the ball bearing rolling around the track and i, out loud, in a room alone said, 'ok that's fucking cool as shit.' great job and great idea. i know a F1 guy that might have to get one of these at some point.

transmisson food is a sleeper. it is hands down the best 'bar food' in town. and to call it 'bar food' is a disservice. run to get their food. their Big Cat Roll is amazing, pulled pork, collards and mac n chz in a egg roll and drizzled with bbq sauce?!? another favorite is their fried brussel sprouts....get it with bacon. beyond that the wings are pretty well known and of course amazing. i can't gush enough how good their food is.