European dancing sounds like y'all never listen to real American swing/Delta/1930's music.

Is everyone just doing 6 count over there?

It probably has something to do with the sensor

Maybe you've never felt the internal compulsion to do anything?

Or maybe you've watched too many Robert Sapolsky lectures.

Anyway kid- good luck

Yikes kid.

What I just heard is that you have no experience of anyone being kind to you without getting something to reward them out of it.

Cool, see how that works for you once you're old and sick.

Good luck dying in a ditch with people walking past you, cause you aren't their problem.

Yeah, how about if you're exposed to lead in your drinking water at school?

Sounds like you're the bad experience people are having now. Gl

For real, start mentoring. Having kids in your life is good for you, whether they came out of your body or not.

If you're doing well, it's your job to help people who aren't.


So happy to hear that you love maki-e and urushi lacquer.

I have a small collection of lacquer boxes and trays with mother of pearl inlay. Unfortunately the lacquer is bubbled and flaking in a few spots, but I'm hoping to at least stabilize if not repair them.

Once I get myself moved again, I'll post some photos and maybe I can get your advice?


Teaser shot for fun

Pink eye comes from getting poo in your eyes...


Hey love.

You aren't broken, you're hurt. Especially with sibling sexual assault, our ability to trust people is damaged.

But we find support and get help

I've had three ex boyfriends threaten suicide when I tried to break up with them. Two of them are still alive.

What do you mean by hand wringing? So you feel like you need to dramatically express your concern?

Why can't you just feel your concern as it is?

I don't think you have to wring your hands and decompensate... Just recognize she's in pain that she isn't in control of, because of probable mental illness.

It seems like you haven't kept up on addiction medicine or the research there since your last psych class.

The research suggests that even a stranger, who takes some time to ask questions and shows a positive attitude towards the person is the only statistically relevant intervention.

So you believe that you have no connection or influence? Even though this person is a relative?

So, you don't care that she's in pain?

Like, why do you feel the need to shut down emotionally towards this person?

How does it benefit you to not participate in the emotional reality of this person who is in pain?