It hasn't been for a long time, as far as I know.

I saw Counter Strike for OG Xbox the other day. I might have to stick to that. I wonder if it's backwards compatible...

I understand that. But for the consumer, it was there, then it wasn't.

I get what you're saying. But really, details don't matter much. It was in the game, but now it isn't.

Sure, but in terms of the game, it was there, and now it isn't.

I feel like they just remove things for the sake of it sometimes.

Combine with a tripwire to make alarms.

Always the first one.

Controllers have feelings too!

The contacts OP is pointing out are on the controller.

I'm not sure controllers come in packs of two.

My bad, I assumed USD, converting from NZD it's a lot closer to what I pay!

I use the seagate game drives. However, I pay like 100 dollars less than that!

We'll probably get Half Life 3 before GTA6.

I've been after a calendar of releases for a while. Is this available anywhere? Do you plan on carrying on with it?

And why would the crack dealer care? They still made the same money either way.

And yet still sold exceptionally well.

CoD players can't not buy CoD.

The only cover is to not play. There are very few places where you can not be seen at all.

Use your map. Try to put cover between yourself and anywhere people are dying, there are no friendlies, the objective you're attacking, and the objective you're defending! If you're assaulting a position, use smoke. Smoke should be thrown at the enemy, not at your feet. Ideally, it should be right on their heads or right in front of them

Flank. And I mean wiiiiiide flank. 99.9% of players go from objective to objective as the crow flies. This isn't WWI.

Trigger discipline. Just because you see an enemy doesn't mean you should shoot them. More so if you're on a wide flank. You will give away your position. Shoot if you have to or if you're in a good position to.

Work together. Even if your squad aren't talking and just throwing themselves at the enemy, you'll bump into others on the battlefield. Talk to them, give them information, and help each other out.

Listen. For enemy footsteps, vehicles, weapon fire, garrisons, and your commanders and squad leaders orders!! Using headphones can help for pin pointing sound direction.

To me, it feels very much like ~PS1 era gaming. No one had figured out the best way to design games yet. Control schemes were all over the place. Believe it or not, it even took a while for shooters to start using R2/RT to shoot!

Whilst a lot of things do feel fairly standard across VR games, things just don't feel quite "there" yet. I think it's going to take VR to become mainstream before enough big studios start throwing loads of money towards it and help refine things.

1942, for sure.

Forgotten Hope making it even better!

A couple of nails in each should hold them.

Did you even read the comment I replied to?