I just realized that you weren't talking about Celsius. I was going to say I don't think clothing makes a difference at that point...

River was bad but Sewers was worse. But it's all worth it for that Visitor Center song!

As someone who's reasonably successful and own (well, the bank and I) my own place, I'll tell you that right now there's no "too old". The cost of living is absolutely at a crisis level and I'd have no shame moving back home if things went south.

Some of the cards in that deck serious are really memorable (I guess that's the point). Off the top of my head, 目立つ and 白い's images really stuck with me.

They wouldn't have such shocked faces if they got a better one with heated water. I love my Toto S550e. I've heard it's being discontinued which makes me sad.

Man that anime was awesome, though. Too bad the story will likely never get finished.

Contact your worker for an explanation. Usually overpayments are clawed back at a percentage. Perhaps there's something else impacting your eligibility.

Maybe they haven't seen much yet, which could be an opportunity... Grasping at straws to make this a positive lol

I use the 24H format on my phone but I somehow read it in AM/PM. If I see 20:30, my mind automatically sees 8:30

Not sure how "worth it" it is, but I hate myself a little less I guess

Good god this is a commercial I saw way too many times as a.kid

SPD is the substat I never get good rolls on :(

Cries in going over 40c with humidity in Canada in summers. There's no escape

I need to put my glasses on because I read it as "summer colons"

Chadtopian Citizen

Mongolian Empire is love. Mongolian Empire is life.

I don't mind clapping, but the bar for it is too low. Not everything deserves applause. Also, not every performance deserves a standing ovation! Sit your ass down unless your.life has been changed by whatever you just saw.