They will keep him if he drops his accent and adopts a southern one.

I understand why they don't want to bring it back, but I loved playing the Charlemagne start date in CK2

My throat was extremely sore for days afterwards, but that is probably just me

Not too long ago, we had a Republican senator and Republican governor. Vote

Free tier isn't a hard limit or cutoff. It's a state of mind

Kirk Hinrich

Not many moves would be needed to make it an ECF contender

You're nuts. Look at the top 8 teams in the East last year and tell me which ones got worse.

You may want to find a place to lay low for a while

Trade to Detroit incoming

Beer is made through fermentation, are we going to start saying that is safe too? Because my toilet is going to disagree on that

Never played the games and had to stop after 30 minutes. Truly awful movie

I've eaten all of those and been fine. Also recommend quest protein bars

The guy with the glasses saying all the anti-gay slurs has definitely seen, and probably touched, Steven Crowders dick

He will play one early season game to get minutes with dad, then head straight to the G league