If only we still had him, but I’d say Robin Williams.
Could you imagine Mork from Ork greeting the aliens with a “Nanu, nanu”?

So, where are all the riots and protests supporting the Cheeto Mussolini?
I’ve seen a number of calls to take to the streets and I see that it’s all just bluster.

Also, he and his henchmen keep claiming huge amounts in donations that are being raised. What actual proof is there of this or is it all just hot air?

It’s also a genetic trait.
Like the Inuit who can withstand being out in the cold with just a shirt on whereas anyone else would be frozen within a few minutes.

Saw a documentary on this and they had 1 Inuit guy and the reporter, a pasty white guy.
The Inuit stuck his hand or arm in a pail of water and stood outside. His skin temperature only dropped a few degrees after 20 minutes.
The pasty white guy lost it and couldn’t get back inside fast enough.

Sherpas also have genetic traits that help them. They produce more power and are able to absorb more oxygen than us regular folk.


Just crossed 300,000km on our 2012 Camry Hybrid.
I remember when I went to the dealer and said that all I hoped was that it would reach 300,000km with no problems.
The sales rep looked at me, laughed and said “try more like 450,000km”.

His lawyer admitted on CNN, that he and Trump worked together to come up with the legal strategy of the case.
What an absolutely masterful move… for the prosecution.

We popped a bottle of wine and celebrated. Sweetest bottle of white ever.

They’ve been inflating gas prices for decades.
What about the tens of billions in federal money, from multiple countries that they are given?

They don’t care. Every person they steal from is just a different prize. Some big some small.

A few summer Olympics back, a reporter stood on a second floor and made a bunch of videos of kids stealing from tourists. Even the beating one kid got, when he was caught, didn’t stop him from trying to steal again.

Oh man. Sorry to hear about that.

I was so paranoid of getting robbed that I bought a pacsafe knapsack to keep people from cutting it or opening the zippers when we weren’t looking. Nothing happened, so I’m assuming it worked.

How about playing the clip where Trump once said a president under felony indictment would grind the government to a halt and create a constitutional crisis.


I see that nothing’s changed since we were there in 2019.

Also, the Palace of Versailles was insane with all of the tour groups. It was a constant obstacle course of people.

Is the Wake for those that don’t survive the roll down the hill?

The driver doing the U turn is the one usually at fault, but then again, different municipalities could have different laws.

Keep in mind that we can’t see to the right of the screen. There could be a vehicle there, blocking the other drivers view.
The guy doing the U turn looks like they’re straightening out and driving straight back into a driveway and the other driver could easily have assumed this from the position of the vehicle turning.

All subscription models make the retailer more money and the customer poorer.

Way back when Microsoft released Windows 95, they were also talking about the subscription model that they were bringing in. The pitch was that you wouldn’t just make 1 sale, you would be getting the same sale every year.

“Everyone is going to make more money”.
Yeah, except the customer.

No and even if you replace your card or your card is expired. The charges can still follow you.
You could probably file a chargeback, if you can get them to believe that you’ve tried to cancel the charges unsuccessfully.

CNN’s Laura Coates said that this was his second case as a defendant lawyer and he also confirmed that he built his defence with Trump.
Obviously a genius move.

I’ve boycotted Heinz ever since and refuse to buy any of their products. I also, make it known to others when I can. Great that they’re back, but I just can’t forget what they’ve done.

Years ago, Sepsis.
I had infections in every part of my body that was tested and scanned by CT. Blood, urine, prostate … I also had every complication listed for the antibiotics that were given to me. Luckily, except the one that said death.

Recently, I had a seriously bad Covid infection (my first) and my O2’s were dropping. This was the sickest that I’ve ever been in my life and I didn’t think that I was going to make it.
Fortunately, my wife and daughter arranged for a course of paxlovid for me and I rode that recovery roller coaster slowly back to health.

My wife says that black pepper is too spicy, but will eat a garlic sandwich with no problem. (Basically, slices of garlic between buttered toasted bread.).

I love spicy food. The hotter the better. Yet, I can barely eat a bite of one of her garlic sandwiches.

When I cook, I’ll make everything to suit her, but when I can, I’ll also make a spicy version for me.
It’s always funny to watch her when she chooses the wrong dish.

Countries like Canada have laws preventing criminals from entering.
How exactly would he be able to fulfill the duties of the office if countries bar him from entering?

I understand that governments would pass special visa’s to allow him in, but what about a government that doesn’t care to have him on their soil?
Just another reason to not have a convicted criminal and rapist as your leader.

The build size and active chamber heating at this price makes this a good prospect. Good to hear that their support is also on point.