Protein Simple is my go-to. I like the JESS

You need to start your downswing more with your body and not your arms. If you can’t change that you’ll always be over the top.

Your take away is too flat. Make a higher Takeaway and then drop it into the slot.

I’m gonna tell you that’s just fucked up marketing on their part. Laminar flow is unidirectional. A BSC is not that.


We can only keep them here if they're between 28 and 31 inches


Very nice. Here’s mine from Cape Cod


What is the difference between laminar flow and biosafety cabinet?

The primary purpose of a biological safety cabinet is to protect users from infectious materials. A laminar flow hood is primarily used for safeguarding samples from contamination

Uh no, it’s not misleading at all. they are not the same thing.

Yeah, I don’t know where you are located but for them to leave a high school intern unattended is pretty nonstandard in my world. And in the odd situation where you are to be left alone you would have the phone number of that lab manager with you so you could call them and ask them this.

Well, having a threesome is technically group sex right?

Your term clean bench leaves quite a bit open to interpretation. For example, a BSC is designed to protect the scientist when using things that are a possible biohazard. A laminar flow hood protects what you put in the hood and not the scientist. This means if you are working with pathogens, you cannot use a laminar flow hood. There are also more than one kind of BSC, some are vented to the atmosphere in your lab and some go through a duct outside the lab.

I don’t get why everybody’s up in arms about my response. I thought the post was funny.

That corgi clearly loves you very much

I like to play devils advocate in pretty much any argument. Remember the Democrats used to support slavery.

You probably left that brown line on your anus

Why the fuck are people still buying from Temu? Don’t know it’s all shit?

It’s funny they had to specify that they mean in whatever way doesn’t include you. Because there’s so many ways nowadays, right?