Looking forward to meeting you and telling you how much I have suffered haha 🤣

Anyone with similar plans? Riding buddy wanted!  Heading to South America (Ushuaia) in early Feb and cycling up. N Probably towards Santiago. And heading north as time permits. Will be going for a few months or untill I've had enough. Aiming to end in June/July 

31M,  Looking to do 50km/day and increasing distance with fitness and enjoying days off. Will be camping. Aim is to see beautiful sites and enjoy the ride! 

If anyone is doing anything similar would be cool to link up and share some riding. It's always more fun to share the experience!

Let me know!!

South America cycle buddyRoute: South America // Vacation

G'day! Anyone with similar plans? Riding buddy wanted! Heading to South America (Ushuaia) in early Feb and cycling up. No route planned yet. Probably towards Santiago. And heading north as time permits. Will be going for a few months or untill I've had enough. Aiming to end in June/July when I start work.

31M, Looking to do 50km/day and increasing distance with fitness and enjoying days off. Will be camping. Aim is to see beautiful sites and enjoy the ride!

If anyone is doing anything similar would be cool to link up and share some riding. It's always more fun to share the experience!

Let me know!!

Its the fear of being in remote patagonia and having flats/ getting stuck on roads with terrible conditions

South America travel advice/ tyreRoute: South America // Vacation

Hi I'm due to start my South American leg of my tour. 5000km so far!

Im currently using Norco search XR s1 700c X 42

Thinking of swapping out to 650b X 2inch. As less punctures and stronger wheels, need reliability in remote places.

Does this seem like a good idea or would it be better just to buy a hardtail ( though I doubt I would need front suspension)

Also, setting off in Early Feb from Ushuaia crawling up north for a couple of months. Unfortunately going solo.(30M) So if anyone else has similar plans would be cool to link up for a ride!

Yours sincerely

Rural Generalist - ADVICE seekingGeneral Practice

Hi looking for reccomendations regarding a training site for ACRRM. The application closes in 2 weeks time and I still don't know where I should go! I want to go everywhere!

I am open to anywhere in Aus. I am currently single and extremely flexible with location. Looking for a bit of an adventure.

Ideally if the hospital could help facilitate an AST in anaesthetics in a larger tertiary centre.

Anyone had had ACRRM training experience? My mind has gone through living in most of oz from NT, the Kimberlys, the south west, FNQ, Tasmania, Sunny coast hinterland,

HELP! lol

My only reservations with rural med is that if there isn't a good crew it could be a little isolating. Anyways any thoughts about training towns and good GP practices and small hospitals would be appreciated!!

I just finished something similar. Only met 1 Dutch cyclist on the route

Currently doing south to north Spain with a friend. Up to 40 degrees Celsius. Torture holiday! Love it though

Yeah. Almost got kicked out, lucky escape. Maybe I'm just jealous. Maybe I should make my own page 😂😭

Dr iddy is a complete nonse and took selfies in the dissection room with the cadavers at med school. It's interesting to see how this joke has amassed a huge following. Also the rigorous scientific appraisal has been reduced to quoting conclusions and abstracts from papers. Good on him I suppose lol

You can speak English fluently though. What is it you don't understand? I'm guessing the different regional accents?

Admittedly some strong accents in the country. Yeah discord and trial out a chat some point soon maybe not today as I'm going to bed shortly lol

Hola, estoy buscando un compañero de idiomas. Ofreciendo inglés con un encantador acento no estadounidense 🤣

Intento aprender español por mi cuenta pero tengo poca motivación. Termino de ver Netflix con subtítulos en inglés.

Solo necesito practicar pero no hay nadie en mi área.

¡Esperando viajar por América Latina en algún momento pronto! Me gustaría practicar mi español de forma regular.

¡Hágamelo saber! No me importa lo malo que sea tu inglés, siempre y cuando hables español con fluidez.

Me gustaría hablar a través de una llamada de voz/video. ¿Tal vez 30 minutos a la vez? Más tiempo dependiendo del trabajo, etc. Muy flexible con duración y frecuencia.

¡Hablemos de aficiones o lo que sea!

¡Hablamos pronto!

I dunno. There was always some oldies cramping the style. Especially when they are snoring!!!!! 😂

Hi am I looking for a language buddy!

I spend to long watching Netflix and reading english subtitles and not learning!

I need to practice daily. I speak the queen's english. I am a native British speaker. 30 male.

Nos ablamos. Manda me una message!

Offering english (British) Seeking Spanish

Hi I am looking for a language buddy. Offering english with a lovely non American accent 🤣

I try to teach myself Spanish but have little motivation. I end of watching Netflix with english subtitles.

I just need to practice but there is no one in my area.

Hoping to travel Latin America at some point soon! Would like to practice my Spanish. On a regular basis.

Let me know! I don't mind how bad your English is as long as you are fluent in Spanish.

Would like to talk via voice/video call. Maybe 30 mins at a time? Longer depending on work etc. Very flexible with duration and frequency.

Let's talk hobbies or anything!

Hablamos pronto!


Hi I am looking for a language partner! Looking for Spanish speaker and I am a native speaker of english! I don't know what my language level is but I have travelled through Spanish speaking countries. Let me know. I use all of the above. Currently in Australian time zone.