I don't typically recommend it, but the Sacramento area may be worth looking in to. It's very diverse and integrated, half a million people with a metro area around 2 million. It doesn't get super humid though it is hot. It's affordable by California standards though I'm unfamiliar with the rental market currently so that may be a deal breaker

The cost of living is lower and between wages and social programs it's easier to have a decent quality life without making a ton of money. Your life also doesn't tend to be dominated by your employer like it is in the US

The US has pros and cons like anywhere else. If you can make a lot of money here you'll likely live better than most places in Europe. If you don't make much money it can be very hard to afford basic necessities and there are very few social programs and those that exist generally aren't very good. A lot of things here are significantly worse than in Europe, but once you make enough money most of them become non issues.

All the time, I wish I'd done more, reclassed, and then made a concrete plan for when I get out. I balance that out by remembering the bad times and toxic leadership and reading this sub to remind myself that it's always greener on the other side. The truth is being a soldier and being a civilian both suck, but in different ways and they both have some great positives. I did what I felt was right for myself and my family and then stuff out of my control complicated my life and threw everything out of balance. Who knows, maybe I will give the Army a second shot at some point in the future, but right now it doesn't make sense so I can't get caught in the what ifs

The red fudd weenies are gonna get ya

At least a kid could use a 14" frame

I could live for quite a while out of 25l or so. I have a 14l bag that will fit almost everything I need for 5 days. An easy way to see if a bag will fit your needs is to make a cardboard box with the same dimensions and put your stuff into it

How so? The tokens originally only applied to specific beaches as a way to put a cost barrier up that kept black residents from using those beaches and was implemented as a response to desegregating the beaches

The instructions say to smack it. I had to jiggle the top battery a bit with a pen before it slid out

Trees are the best option. Pergolas could help as well, but it would be impractical and expensive to cover the city in them

Tone doesn't translate well on the internet

Naperville is boring and not that close to Chicago plus it has cold winters. If you can't deal with cold winters then any of your other options would be better

Yeah and then they get schwacked when they have to reload after 5 rounds. Assuming of course they aren't suppressed by the superior rate of fire from an M4 or M249 and can get those 5 rounds off in the first place

Yeah it was 100% a NIMBY and racist policy created to "keep out the riff Raff" as you put it. Evanston has a not so fantastic history with those sorts of policies. The current policy was a needed change considering the taxes are high enough. As for charging non residents, that probably makes sense considering the costs to maintain the beaches specifically halting erosion and hiring lifeguards.

Mosins are cool from a collectors perspective or just as a fun gun to shoot, but they offer incredibly poor value for what they cost. There's really no need to defend them this hard

The Taliban weren't exactly picking dudes off with mosins from distances the M4 can't reach and volume is almost always more effective than accuracy. Not that mosins are particularly accurate

Do you have any recommendations on where to look for used ones?

2013 outback that I'm reluctantly keeping for a while longer. I'll probably replace it with a truck and project car once I do get rid of it

Kind of an oddball because there's not an antagonist, but every single motherfucker in Forza Horizon 5. The voice acting is terrible, they're all annoying as hell, and they throw in random Spanish into the dialogue in the most haphazard bullshit way possible. It would be fine if it was more of a Spanglish or something, but it's just like a single word in Spanish occasionally dropped in and not even to emphasize a point or because it might be a complicated word or thought a native Spanish speaker might have trouble saying in English.

A lot of people still care, but yeah the length between seasons is kinda ridiculous

I don't think it changes anything and I certainly am not in a rush to get rid of my RP4P and replace it with this. You get some better ability to play switch games, but I don't think it's worth the extra money.