No, for the same reason I don't demand the rest of their private medical files. It's not my business what their weight is or what medications they take or anything else that is between them and their doctor. None of us are entitled to that.

The monster from that old Twilight Zone with Captain Kirk took that photo

I'm curious as to why this is the thing that made you feel this way, versus all of the other things that Trump has done.

They're like those religious people who come to your door to convert you. They can't just be in the weird hate club themselves, they have to convert everyone else too.

It will definitely get much easier. Those first couple of weeks are rough.

lol that person blocked me for saying that too

fuck me for understanding why somebody might want to see their grandfather's home in Italy I guess

Well there's also the fact that this same dumb take is being discussed downthread. I'm not sure how many humourless takes we have on people sucking for being interested in their family origins we need in a day

According to Google Translate, it's actually a truffa and a finto. Sorry, Google Translate did not like flim flam.

I would guess that he knew his grandfather as Frank, but he's guessing that his real name was Francesco, because that would be the Italian version of Frank. I know my great-grandfather as Pat, but his real name was probably Patrick because he was Irish, and my family is very excited to someday visit the broke potato farm he fled so he wouldn't starve or deal with English people or whatever his beef was.

I really don't think this is all that strange, but even if I did I acknowledge that there are others who are into this stuff.

That's weird because Daryl Ann is definitely known for being a real genius when it comes to life and health advice. How totally out of character for her to be wrong about a thing like this. Fortunately anyone who follows her is very smart, and you can tell because of the fact that they are following the likes of Daryl Ann freaking Denner.

Obviously Divi should only hire people with ugly hair to promote its hair products

What country are you from? Because it's pretty common for North Americans to want to visit their ancestral homelands and see where their immigrant ancestors came from. I've heard that some Europeans find this strange, but over here it's very much a thing.

I would assume that a 35-week single baby would be larger, on average, than 35-week twins. Either way, her post about her pregnancy isn't about you and your pregnancy.

People suffering from depression still have to go to work and do their jobs

Falling prey to a quack because you're desperate to stay alive is relatable in any country

Hi, it's me, I'm one of the braindead pinecones, but in my defense it was early in my timezone and I was actually a braindead pinecone at the time.

People who haven't heard that skinny jeans and a nice top are no longer the height of fashion probably haven't heard about the Ben Shapiro/Polo Bear thing.

Both groups of people deserve access to treatment though. The system is fucked up. We shouldn't blame any patient for that.

Even if you do have cancer yourself, that's your cancer. Other people experience and deal with cancer differently. That's why judging people for having cancer incorrectly means you're the asshole.

Cancer is a pretty legit "poor me" moment imo

lol okay I need coffee then because that was obvious


fuck anyone who is touting body brushing as a cure for cancer

she probably wants payment up front because her bullshit "cures" mean the patient will die before they pay off the bill

"doctors" like this enrage me

What is the grocery store she's referring to? I'm trying to think of literally any name that would rhyme with that and I can't.