If only builders made a few more efficiencies and a few less luxury condos...

My mom had a massive "2 unit" building she could never rent consistently at all until she converted it into a 4 unit, and 3/4 tenants have been there for 7+ years now...

We need to stop catering to the upper class and provide reasonable housing solutions in all price brackets. I want to see the banks, the hedges, and the "RE investors" to get hosed over all of this.

Idk, chivalry on pures with 1 def disposable perilous moon sets sounds pretty healthy to me. I'd boot up the 50atk voider and start collecting 5m pure sets for free.

Aware and looking. She has a psych BS that her parents made her get because "get a degree or you'll die" and I have paramedic certs and several years of experience gold/silver/black smithing...But traditionally my area had starter houses priced in the 80-120k range that would have actually been doable pre-covid. Rural Maine area that is in the middle of crazy gentrification despite the fact that jobs within 100mi radius haven't raised wages in the last decade. Lots of properties in my area are just summer homes for folks from NJ/NY/FL. I spent most of my 20's running 911 calls for 60-80hrs a week for less than $13/hr.

Can't even work remote because internet/power are not reliable in winter, or during summer storms. Can't afford to move because I manage a multi-unit and get to rent a 3bed for $400/month... and wife doesn't want to relo away from aging parents...

Kinda crazy that people busily filling essential services for people in their communitt can't make a living wage to live and grow in said community. I would literally have to divorce my wife and move 300+ miles away to stand a half a chance of dramatically increasing my income. We have healthy raises closer to 50kea coming this fall, but with the way inflation is going its probably going to make very little difference in the short term.

If you got ideas I'm all ears lol.

Pretty much this. My wife and I are never going to be able buy a house on our 70-80k household income in this market. We're basically just renting until her parents pass away and leave us the family farm 30 minutes outta town... my parents were both broke alcoholics that split up and both married into money after, but I'm envisioning that anything "they" have is more so the estate of their spouse's family, and I have no dog in the fight because their needs are at least taken care of, and they brought nothing to the table financially.

My parents (as young addicts) literally bought their first house on taco bell wages in 1991 in the city I work in, and now that same shitty 1908 colonial house is on the market for $380k after getting reno'd by flippers.

This is not the world I was promised when I went to school lmao.

For some it's about his appearance in the Epstein books, and while I understand and appreciate where you are coming from morally, I can't quite vibe with anyone who has made it to the Oligarch class. There is no ethical way to acquire and exist with that much wealth.

Kinda hard to go dry for a guaranteed drop, have you tried killing Zuk?

Jokes aside, GL. I struggled learning Zuk too but got there, you can do it.

This is an excellent solution for a real problem that easily causes billions of dollars worth of back injuries a year.

Blowing $20k on a half dozen special dollies pays itself off after just saving one productive employee from being out for 6 months for back surgery.

It's less about how dumb we are regarding tech/construction, and more to do with the NIMBY movements that cause them to be abandoned. At least says my FIL who spent a few decades working in nuclear plants. It's kinda hard to teach people that scary glowy thing = safe when they're too busy being facebook scientists about "the jab" or flat earth theory.


If you want a different hot take...

It sounds like you have enough for a whole 2nd-bis cox setup (crystal bofa, sang/ward (f), bandos/lance/fang) and you could start doing a lot of cox, cox cm, toa 150-350, and whipper tobs, maybe even getting nox hally when that comes out.

Farming nex is boring, learning raids will immediately prepare you for doing even more raids as you get better gear. It only takes seeing your first mega split (3-4 man tops) to make it all super worth it.

You should raid.

Edit: you said you learned toa solos. Do those in 3-4 mans for better loot chances, and learn the other raids. Sure, I've made 800m at nex with friends, but I've made several times more than that in my first 300 chambers.

Bill gates can fuck off, but he's actually right though. Nuclear energy has come a long way. Burning coal literally releases more radioactive isotopes than a properly run nuclear plant. History's major meltdowns aren't something that could even be reproduced without intentional fuckery, and even then - combustion emissions silently kill many fold more than even a chernobyl type event.

We need it yesterday.

This reminds me of a joke.

What's the difference between a casual dress party and a pirate orgy?

One is come as you are, and the other is "Arrr" as you cum.

Kick baiting.

I enjoy most of the content out there, and there are plenty of folks making absolute bangers.

If anyone here hasn't checked out Josh isn't Gaming, he's an absolute gem.

Oof, hopefully 4 of them coming your way soon...

Oh its huge, and if you can colo you can zuk. Inferno is easier, and you should do it.

Olmlet in 4 purps is crazy spooned, as it's 1/53 purples. I got mine on purps 8 & 16...which is probably "why" the dust isn't coming...

I hope you get your dex soon, Rigour is game changing.

I have a friend who works in sales at a big flagship dealer. She was making 10k/week from 2020-2023, and now she's barely taking home minimum wage. She went from pocketing a few thou per sale to $500 or less per sale. The only reason pricez went up is because people were still paying.

Just don't buy.

That's just a defence pure...

After doing a little (very rough) bar napkin math, I think that the lowest feasible blorva completion would require ~91cb, as 43 prayer, 80 defense, and the ability to damage those bosses is non-negotiable. This is figuring 75 atk/str/range/mage, but I also doubt that it'd be enough to clear "dps checks"...95-100 cb is probably going to be pushing it for most.

I gave up on the Axe personally. I did a ton of Vard, got ultor/pet and never saw an axe piece. A good buddy of mine had to go a little over 4x drop rate to get his final piece from Duke. He then alched the axe like a king.

At least whisperer is fun, but I wish you luck on your journey.

I find this sorta spike happens the most with high pop (>800/world)

I'm US-east, and even get bad spikes like this on worlds that have ping in the 40's if the world goes from like 600 to 1k people.

If you really need beta to practice things, I would save it for a less busy time.

Probably the coolest wildy pet imo, may the funny feelings resch you soon.

Oof, that's pretty rough. At least you don't have combat gear holding up slots, but I'm sure that's still an imposition regardless. I wish a funny feeling for you.

Have done this before myself, was fixed in less than a day. As long as you have your payment info and account info they'll get you sorted.