Fuck it all. Damn Everything. I'm exhausted of all this bullshit and I'm out of excuses to tell myself.

I'm fucking tired of seeing everyone around me succeed. I'm tired of feeling left behind, like I'm going to be the one stuck at the starting line. My best friends are going to the military, to college, to life. I'm sitting here on my ass watching with no plan, no goal, nothing. So, fuck it. If there's no plan then I am simply going to work to make myself as best as humanly possible. I'll be the strongest any of us have ever seen and I don't give a shit how long it takes. Fuck politics, Fuck porn, Fuck life man. Stick my middle finger to god. I will not be the one left behind and I don't care how I do that.

Maybe you think I'm just being edgy or some shit and maybe you're right. That doesn't change the fact that I'm being dead fucking serious. I love my friends and I'm glad that they are doing so well, but I will not be the guy people look back on and say how much potential I once had. I can't be that guy, I refuse. I would rather die with no potential than die having squandered it.

I am fucking pissed off. I finally got to talk to one of my best friends again after years and all it made me realize was how pathetic I am in comparison. No, I fucking won't be. Like I said, I fucking refuse.