The bane of the modelers existence. And the worst part is after I found it, i tried gluing it in place again, but the slot it goes into was really tight and it essentially shot it out like a spring, right off my desk into the trash bin. I gave up at that point and scratch built a new piece using a leftover bit from another kit.

Im sorry my post had that effect on you. Not all turrets look the same, they range in size, shape, number of barrels, etc. And on top of that, at 1/700 scale, much detail is lost.

Yeah TIL I was using battleship incorrectly as a catch all term when I shouldā€™ve been saying warship. Itā€™s specifically a gearing class destroyer, which are smaller. Finished model will be like 7 inches long

I found it in the picture and compared it to the carpet, and thats just part of the carpet. The carpet has shiny silver and bronze looking fibers in the pattern.

AA gun yes, but its a Takom Gearing Class Destroyer kit

Turrets come in all shapes and sizes, it just so happens that the ones that fall on the carpet are the small single barreled ones

Lmao. Hobby materials, sand, scale model train ballast, plastic shavings

Good to know for next time lol, though, I prefer there being no ā€œnext timeā€

Lmao, nice! I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever gotten through one hobby project without losing a piece.

I donā€™t believe I do, if itā€™s just the dark specks youā€™re talking about its more likely to be stray hobby materials like sand, rocks, model flocking, plastic shavings

TIL battleship isnā€™t a generic term for all large ships made for war

Iā€™m finding out through comments that the word ā€œbattleshipā€ isnā€™t a general term for any large ship made for war. Im no naval expert and this is my first mode ship. Itā€™s a gearing class destroyer. The ship is about 7 inch long when complete. There are larger turrets on the ship as well, I just happened to drop the smallest one.