If you want an awful movie with an awesome premise look no further than Army of the Dead

I’m here for the all Bison top 8 at EVO

Don’t doubt the raw power of the Minions

I’m just hoping 3D Ultra Minigolf doesn’t end up behind the paywall

It’s called Street Fighter not Street Blocker, I’m here to press some buttons

After playing Elden Ring and Bloodborne I just can’t go back to the catacombs and Lost Izalith

I’m convinced NRS is incapable of balancing a game without making a clear top 1 character every single time

New CEO location is right down the street from Epic Universe and Universal Studios which is nice

Grummz is a 60 year old man on the internet crying about video game boobs daily he’s a loser

“A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.” There’s nothing you can really do especially for selfish Americans

They play is to see the earliest showing they have, I’ve only had good experiences seeing a movie at 10am

Met Randy at a Megadeth concert where he was taking photos and Gonzo shopped at the Costco I worked at in PV both super nice guys

Autism being the next step in human evolution was the wildest decision I’ve ever seen a director make

Can confirm it’s all I hear the kids talking about is their damn parlays

“Why are you not making noise when I specifically requested it”

:ari4: Arizona Diamondbacks

Yankees fans trying to redirect the attention from them shitting the bed

Couldn’t pay me to go to Daytona place is a racist shithole

Drive down south and you’ll know what a shitty road looks like