I notice this amongst a few of my Asian American friends

Bronson movie when he's wearing the makeup

Minor assault? Its not like he just shoved him, he punched him in the face hard enough to knock him down.

Deported AFTER a significant fine paid to the man he punched.

I think it just mean he lives on Earth which rotates around the Sun

Let's see...West Texas. OP said all expenses paid so I'd take a sub-orbital flight on Blue Origin (it launches from West Texas). Tickets are supposedly in the 6 to 7 figure USD range, so that is an experience I'd never have without the all expense paid perk.

no, its a sea serpent and you can't tell me any different

this is not a bug, you just need to swipe up on the right hand side. you should look stuff up before trashing something

I don't think there is one. Any country of any influence is going to have someone or group that doesn't like them. If they don't have someone or some group that doesn't like them, they are probably of little significance.

Kempeitai would like a word...

In the 1930s, a series of political assassinations led to the military taking over Japan.

Lol I guess Key really can play every race. I see it

Oh yea I was more commenting on the other post saying Orangutans would have 0 predators in South america

I am a Korean man, I was on a bus in Europe and noticed a bag on a seat. I asked a nearby gentleman if it was his bag, and he said yes and took it. After he took his bag, I sat down. 10 minutes later, I noticed this large Asian man yelling at me about some bag, I didn't understand him very well as my spoken English is not great, so I thought he greeted me. I responded, "Fine, and you?" and he proceeded to drag me off the bus. I don't know what happened.

you might not like it, but this is what peak MMA performance looks like

Leopards have gorilla as a part of their diets. Jaguars are bigger and stronger than leopards, they'd be doing the same or more to Orangutans