Stumbled across this place looking for Hong Hong. Really unique spot!

Another vote for Trelio. Delicious seasonal menu, intimate atmosphere, wonderful service.

If you are 21, you can walk over to Solitary Winery. They have live music and wine!

Is this Tom Hank's chubby, conservative brother?

There are other sunscreen powders that aren't as pricey. Just do a search for powder sunscreen and choose one in a price range you are comfortable with. I really like them, and I've tried 3 or 4 different brands. Can't say I've noticed much of a difference between them. Definitely use as a reapplication, not a primary application!

For some reason I thought they closed. Nope! I'll check em out!

I think Brahma Bull on Shaw and Mark's is our only option

Xiao Long Bao! Aka soup dumplings

Euphoria1821 Salon downtown! We did exactly this for a friend's bday last year. They only have 2 foot spas, so we went in shifts, but we had the nail room to ourselves. If you are doing mani and pedi you could totally swap! The ladies were really good and super nice. They let us bring in our own drinks and snacks too. Beautiful salon space! Highly recommend!

There used to be a mini truck around town with a big decal like that which said: CLIT COMNANDER. I still lqtm when I recall seeing it. Like, you ain't getting women to ride in that vehicle with you, sir. Maybe it's that same guy and he upgraded his truck??

If you can find them near you, Southern Recipe brand pork rinds have very minimal hard pieces. I'm addicted to the spicy dill flavor. Super yum dipped into ranch!

Fun! What are those happy guys called?

It's really hard to get produce vendors. Just give it some time. If anybody knows a local grower, encourage them to sell there! Many of our local small producers sell in L.A. and the Bay Area

Black beans have 26 net carbs per cup. Sans beans, taco salads are a great keto meal!

The section from Lost Lake Park to Solitary Winery is pretty mellow when the water isn't super high. If you want a longer day, you can go all the way to Sycamore Island Park.

OK, so on a high estimate assuming all carbs in the veggies are present, the chicken stock is 2.2 carbs per cup and the bone broth is 1.7 carbs per cup. Not terrible, but I'll likely still omit or reduce the carrot to bring those totals down.

I'm gonna have to tweak my recipe for both chicken stock and the beef/pork bone broth I make. I assumed that since I'm straining out all the solids before I store them, the carbs from the veggies were negligible. Sneaky, sneaky carbs! I will figure out carbs per cup of the original recipes today. Both make about 10-15 cups so it may not be so bad per serving.

Costco has great stuff! Never thought to look. I'll check it out. Thx!

Yeah, that's what I'm leaning towards now, too, or at least less carrot. I will try a batch without carrot and see how much it affects the flavor. My dog, who gets to eat the chickeny carrots, will be bummed, but he'll survive.