Well yeah they need more gun violence and tragedy to continue pushing their narrative.

They aren’t mutually exclusive, something can be essential and unskilled.

A jack of all trades and master of none is ofttimes better than a master of one.

What? I didn’t say anything about it being crowded. The only nice thing about CA is the geography and climate.

Imagine that, they are reaping the results of their actions. They’ve made it a shithole place to live. I’ll never live in CA again

As someone who moved from the US to Europe… they aren’t entirely wrong. Even my European spouse is like “I really miss x or y from the states”

This is how the data owner position is. The data owner is ultimately responsible for protecting data of an organization, they can delegate work and roles but ultimately the buck stops with them.

Yeah 100% it’s not solely homeschooling. Funny enough of the dozen or so homeschooled adults I know, none of them would be “that weird homeschooled kid” they are all very social and “normal”. The most anti social people I know (myself included, 100% public school.

Yup now I gotta go watch the video

You’re never going to convince lazy failures that they could better their own lives by actually working smart and hard. They either can’t grasp it or don’t want too.

Chadtopian Citizen

I mean they aren’t if you like our current way of life from transportation to medical devices etc… fossil fuels definitely fuck the earth but we 100% would not have our current amazing civilization (especially the medical side of things) without oil.

Shit American here. I had to buy all my cars myself starting at 16. Plus I was on my own at 18. As an American living in the UK, the Brit’s coddle their kids way more it seems like. That and it’s ungodly expensive to live on your own here with the wages they pay. I had to almost half my income just moving here in the same field

Not only that but the people the other group is protesting for would gladly murder your group for the way they live their lives.

While people do suck and that is insane and there is no excuse for it… on the flip side…maybe don’t drive on peoples private property?

The government, corporations, etc., the fact you’re mad I care about privacy is telling.

Right they have to actually interact with me at that point. Uk is a joke on so many levels.

Right a not insignificant people die every year from good old fashion fisticuffs.

Well yeah I can see an argument for both sides on “shift” verse weekly pay. If I was the waiter I’d want shift if I was the employer I’d want per paycheck.

Actually no, it was the UK! Pissed me off to no end. The cop got out of their car all indignant then annoyed I was on the phone… until they realized I was on the phone with another department and was complaining that no one from this department was evening speaking to me, answering the door even though they could see and hear me knocking. Then the cop got much more polite and accommodating.

I see how you are looking at it but, the purpose of minimum wage is to ensure a person gets at least a certain amount per hour. Waiters are, one way or another.

I absolutely hate this. I just walk out of establishments that don’t accept cash. I hate this transition to cashless. I don’t want corporations, banks, government, knowing every single location and when I spend my money of visit.

Edit: to the person who asked where I store my money and then apparently blocked me from responding…

Storing money in a bank, taking it out and then spending it where I wish is completely different than using a card that time stamps and locates you and your purchasing habits.