lol I’m not. I know what I’m talking about these turds don’t.

And unofficial official duty maybe. That’s why these Supreme Court ruling is garbage

My child was born during Covid lockdowns. It was kinda nice. Ngl.

That he gave them back when he realized he made a mistake. Unlike Trump who was asked to give them back and refused so the fbi came and got them from him.

Mad? Huh? Stop projecting bro. I was just trying to help yall understand. What if his next door neighbor uses that water to feed livestock? Cmon man think.

Yikes. That means they were just blindly scanning and selling anything. They probably don’t even know what they gave away.

I doubt it. People are smart enough to know what he stole those documents for and he literally had truckloads of them.

Or it fails and creates a surge flood down the way of wherever it’s blocking.

Ya it’s a pretty cool build I wouldn’t take that away from him. Just an unnecessary thing to do that will eventually fail anyway.

No not what’s pictured but he’s pulling that water from somewhere…

You talk a lot of shit but have nothing to add to the contrary. I don’t get why you don’t shut up.

Look up beaver dams. They have been known to cause lots of damage.

So the act of creating this ditch didn’t destroy what was there? Lol you guys are hilarious. Water is being moved from where it belongs there naturally, therefore ruining the natural ecosystem. Thanks for playing tho.

It’s unreasonable to think this guy did that as well? It’s a fact doing shit like this destroys the natural ecosystem. End of story.

So much crap came out about how awful this dude was it was hard to keep straight.

Were you not around for Jan 6 when he tried to cheat a presidential election? He set forth fake electors to try and cheat the process. He was even begging his Vice President to do something that he couldn’t legally do.

Stopping the natural water flow is known to be a very bad thing. A lot of major dam projects in the United States are being removed these days.