Unfortunately, the lesson that even seemingly cool, progressive men can be total fucking creeps will probably help them navigate the world.

This is exactly what I first thought when I saw the title of the post!

Had you not done that, this sub would be scolding you for not communicating directly.

I have a teenage son, and I wish I could erase the Carl’s death episode from my brain/soul. That shit fucked me up.

It’s so good to hear an actual frogology expert weigh on!

Especially if we take this attitude of “stop whining over thirty cents.” I’m a single mom on food stamps. Every fucking thing is too expensive. It’s not about eggs. It’s about fruit and meat and toilet paper and maxi pads.

I will both vote for Biden and encourage others to do the same. But the strain on low-income families is real.

All I want is for him to be processed like any other felon. Strip search by the book including spreading cheeks and lifting balls. I want him to have to shit in front of other people and be in the same small space where other people are shitting.

I want him awoken at 3 am with no noticed, to be searched, shackled, and transported to a prison six hours away.

I don’t wish prison violence or rape on him or anyone. Just standard, nonspecial treatment.

I don’t agree with everything in your comments, but I sure am glad you got the head butt in.

Yeah, when I think of her absolutely killing a song, it’s “all coming back to me.” (I had that cd when I was 13!)

A similar thing happened to me, except I was in grad school!

So don’t feel bad!

My parents are in the south.

My dad: “abortion is murder.”

My dad after my younger sister got knocked up accidentally by a complete idiot, deadbeat loser: “I’m not a big fan of abortion, but…”

I don’t have autism, so I don’t have your specialized knowledge. I would say I don’t get the impression that he’s autistic, but now I’ll watch it differently with your comment in mind.

Either way, I think it’s awesome that you can relate to the character! I relate to his intense love for his friends!

I have adhd too. I think a lot of us are great in emergencies. We can hyperfocus. My own feelings numb out and I can be decisive and reassuring.

Oof, but later those feelings come roaring back. And because I wasn’t able to feel them during the emergency, they didn’t hold me back from taking on more than I could handle.

Anyway, look! A pigeon! I need to get breadcrumbs for the pasta tonight. Wait, that was supposed to be for yesterday. I should text my aunt.

But yeah. Emergencies. Wait, what were we talking about?

-a lady with adhd

She should call the BIL and offer to host for as long as they like. Let him tell everyone and get them excited.

But, lol! It’s a prank! See how much she loves him!